Luca jumps. "Oh!" He slams his fist harshly against his chest as Ugo coughed up the chestnuts he ate earlier at the teenagers, (M/N) watching this in disturbed shock.

"Thanks for that." Ugo thanked as Luca and (Y/N) shook off the chewed in disgust. "Too much oxygen up here. Not like the deep. As you'll learn."

Ugo laughs, his shoulders shaking as he nudged Luca with his elbow, making him cringe further into (Y/N) as she did same.

"What?" He asked incredulously.

"Sure, there's no sunlight, but there's nothing to see anyway." Ugo swam back and forth, Luca not able to take his eyes off of his visible beating heart as (Y/N) focused her attention to his words. "Or do. It's just you and your thoughts, and all the whale carcass you can
eat. Little bits of it just float into your mouth."

"You can't stop it. You can't see it. So if you...The mouth opened, the whale carcass go in. Yes, good. I recommend it." Ugo stared in space before clapping his hands. "Come on. No time to waste."

"Mom," Luca breathes out, turning to Daniela. "What does he mean?"

"You're going to stay with Uncle Ugo for the rest of the season." Daniela clarifies as Luca and (Y/N) look at her in horror before turning to (M/N) when she cleared throat.

"And, you, (Y/N)." She folded her arms. "Are going to stay here with me. Grounded, and not leaving my sight for the rest of the season."

"No, I can't!" Luca denied.

"What?! This makes no sense!" (Y/N) yelled, distress in her voice as she breathed heavily.

"Two seasons, then." Daniela swam higher, towering over the both of them. "Wanna go for three?"

"This isn't fair!" (Y/N) cried, gripping Luca's hand as tight as she could. "There's nothing dangerous up there! I don't understand!"

"(Y/N)." (M/N) warned, leaning towards her daughter. "That is enough!"

"You're so controlling! The one thing that's that actually makes me happy, and you take it away!" The teenagers lip trembled, but she refused to let any tears flow as everyone in the room watched, both sea monsters seeming to forget that they're there.

"You chose to keep this a secret, (Y/N)!" (M/N) folded her arms as glared as (Y/N) kept her head turned. "Do you know how long you and Luca snuck up there?!"

Ignoring her question, (Y/N) looked at her mother. "You keep secrets from me, too! You won't tell me why the surface is so dangerous! You won't even tell me what happened to Papa!"

Everyone in the room gasped at that, Ugo uttering a 'oooohh'. (M/N) widened her eyes at that before her glare came back full force. "You are not ready to know about what happened to your father, (Y/N)!!"

(Y/N) let go of Luca's hand and raised her shoulders. "I never am! You always tell me that I'm not ready! Why won't you tell me?!"

"Because he's dead, (Y/N)!!"

That made (Y/N) falter a little as everyone gasps again. "W-what?"

(M/N) took a deep breath before opening her eyes again, stern. "He was cornered by fisherman, (Y/N). You were too young to remember. And I refuse to lose my daughter to the dangers of the surface, even if I have to keep you under lock and key to do it."

(Y/N) breathed shakily, she knew that wasn't the full story, so many emotions. She felt so conflicted as she muttered. "I don't want to be here anymore."

(M/N) was able to hear it, her eyes widening again. Before she could say anything, (Y/N) swam out as fast as she could. "(Y/N)!"

Luca watched as (M/N) swam after her daughter. "(Y/N)." He muttered sadly before turning slightly to his mother. "Why are you doing this?"

Daniela sighed, placing a hand in Luca's face. "The world is a very dangerous place, Luca, and like (M/N), if I have to send you to the bottom of the ocean to keep you safe, so be it."

Luca pulled away from his mother, swimming back a little. "You don't know what it's like up there!"

Daniela towered over Luca again, looking at him in the eye. "I know you. And I know what's best for you. It's done."

Luca's eyes widened before glaring at the floor, sinking lower as Daniela softens her expression, placing her hand on his face
again.  "Hey. Look me in the eye. "You know I love you, right?"

He grunts angrily and swims quickly to his room, Daniela watching after him, heartbroken and worried.

. . . . .

Luca breathes heavily as he tries to calm down, facing the direction he came from, he furrowed his eyebrows determinedly and swished his tail, and leaving through his bedroom window to find (Y/N).

Grandma Paguro opened her eyes, looking in the direction Luca left in and chuckled before settling back into her bed.

Note: I got nothing else to say here... uuhhh.... Welp! Somebody asked me to do a boss baby book! And lemme tell you! I WANT to write this, okay??

BUT ITS NOT ON DISNEY + !!!! OR NETFLIX!!😭😭😭 they only have the shows on there?!😭😭 Why!

I can't watch it on prime or vudu either. I gotta either pay for it or rent it. And I'm broke 😤😞😂

So until I can come up with a way to watch it, it's gonna be held in my 'for sure' bin. Cool? Cool.

Bye!! And happy 4th of July to those who celebrate it!! 🎊 🎉
Word count: 1510

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