3. Bella's Missing?

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Every month I IM Chiron and the others, sometimes more often if I have a bad nightmare. I don't get much sleep because of Bella though. I don't know what happened in those woods, all I know is her boyfriend left her and now she's a mess. I get that she's sad and everything, but she really needs to move on. It's not like he's dead.

I'm doing surprisingly well in school. Well, better than I thought I would. My grades are mostly B's and the occasional C, in english. There haven't been any monster attacks, I think this is like a dead zone or something. I'm not sure, and I don't really care to look into it much.

I finally roll out of bed, realizing I'm not going to get any more sleep today. I head down the stairs and I see Charlie drinking some coffee. I make myself some too. I wish there was a McDonald's nearby.

After a few minutes I see Bella finally make her way down stairs. "Alright. That's it. You're going to Jacksonville with your mother." Charlie tells her.

"I'm not leaving forks." She counters.

"Bells, he's not coming back." He tells her softly. I feel like I shouldn't be here. I leave to go check the mail. I see a box on the doorstep. It says it's from Delphi Strawberry Service. I quickly take it inside. I sit on the couch and open it. Inside is the newest Iphone and a note.

Dear Mi Amour,

Hello, so I've been really sad that I couldn't talk to you whenever I want. So...... I made a monster proof phone. You can talk, text, and play games, without monsters tracking you. Don't worry I've tested it. Well, I tricked Percy into testing it, but it works. I love you, text me soon.

Love, the best boyfriend in the world

I take the phone out of the box and see it already has a bunch of numbers saved into it. Waterboy, McShizzle, sparky, pinecone, owl girl, ect. Leo must've named them.

I look up hearing the door slam shut. I get up and follow Bella, because I know she'll leave me, wouldn't be the first time.

"You're coming with me and Jessica to Port Angeles tomorrow." She states.

"Oh, I am, now? When did I agree to this?" I ask.

"Look, it's either this, or I get sent to Florida."

"Well, maybe he should send you there, you need help." I tell her. She just rolls her eyes and puts her focus back on the road. I mean I'll go. I need to search around for some rumors or legends. People don't believe them, but they usually have some truth to them.

I take my phone out and start texting Leo.

'Hey, I got your present.' I type out.

'That's good, I was wondering when you would text me.' He responds right away. I chuckle. He sounds very eager to hear from me.

'I'm glad you gave this to me. I hate hearing from you guys only once a month.'

'Me too, I need attention at least three times a day, and I usually now have to get it by being a third wheel. Your brother and Will are the worst.' I laugh at this.

'Well now you can come to me if you want attention, instead of going to other girls.'

'Oh, honey there were never any other girls, I was too busy with this project to even acknowledge any of them'

I look up and see that we're almost to school.

'You're sweet, plus I'm sure Annabeth and the rest of the girls would've killed you if you did'

'Then Nico would've come in and dragged my soul to the fields of punishment.'

'True. I'm sorry, but I have to go. School's starting'

':( okay, bye I love you'

'I love you too'

I turn off my phone and head into the school. Nothing interesting happens just like it's been for the past three months.


"Hey Bella, are there any local legends?" I asked her on the way home. I just realized that she might know some, I'm not the brightest sometimes.

She turns to me. "Oh, yeah. There are the Quileute legends. I have a book on them if you want it." Huh, I didn't think it would be that easy.

"That would be great." I smile at her. Finally, I'll be able to get somewhere on my quest.

When we get to the house she gives me the book that she shoved under her bed. Unfortunately it's in english so this will take a while to read. Might as well start now.


That's it for the third chapter. I wanted to give her a phone so that she can talk to Leo and Nico more often. They'll be meeting the wolves soon, so it'll start getting more interesting.

I don't own Twilight (Gladly) or Percy Jackson (Sadly)

Have a lovely day! Signing off until next time...

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