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The final day has come after shredding a real deal of choreography, and it was the most fearful test that they would be encountering.

From now, Yuji's priority was to think convinced about her results, it was her first time getting the center part, she was under a bit of pressure, but she tries her best not to show that she's nervous, she thought it might become a significant disadvantage for her when performing.

Her period days did not last for more than two days due to too much cardio she was executing every day. She lost a kilo before preparing for this test.

Seven will remain at I-Land, and six will be eliminated to Ground. Thinking about it for the whole day only made Yuji's focus lower, and she decided to think only for herself, the team's performance, and praying she doesn't screw things up.

The gateway turned to them, they went inside and headed to the battle stage.

[Yuji] the more I think of it, this feels unreal.....

[Yuji] I'm honestly confident in performing today. I hope we can surpass this well.



The performance began with Yuji's first line. She was determined not to get out of this, and she will not make this an experience; therefore, she will fight until the end without making any regrets.


two days before the fourth test, the midpoint evaluation happened.

''as you all know, only seven will survive after the fourth test,'' Zico started. The I-landers nodded and listened carefully. ''since that's the rule, you have to show your best,'' he continued.

''who's doing part one?'' he asks. Yuji did not hesitate to raise her hands ''me,'' she said, ''and for part two?''

''me'' k reacted and began to ask the rest for their parts.

[Yuji] To show my ability in that short amount of time, I must have my confidence, but honestly, I'm getting afraid for what awaits me. Part one is really for me, and to have my standards in performing, I choose to have the most parts because I am the less competitive in this game but to make it wrong, I have to turn the tables and prove myself right.

''we'll make a decision, not just based on this test but based on all the tests you have done so far, in choosing the four to eliminate'' Zico explained ''which part do you think is the most important part?'' he turned to them, the I-landers glanced at each other carefully thinking of what they should say.

''from my personal experience, it is part five because it has solo moves,'' he affirmed, giving them an idea.

There remain parts on the son which outstand the other members. Zico explained to them that no matter how short their details are, they shouldn't get intimidated by it instead of work hard on how they will catch attention.

Soon began the midpoint evaluation with Yuji's opening. Her voice was deep enough to stand out more, plus her expressions that she always practice every day. After a highlight dance, they finish off with a gaze and gesture.

after the performance, they calmly waited for their feedback.

''overall heesung was very good'' Zico pointed and heesung thanked him for that.

''I think Jung-won is responsible for the most important role this time, you needed to show the charisma and energy from the start'' Zico said to the Jungwon who was standing next to her ''I'm not saying that Jungwon is not good, but he just doesn't suit it'' doobu one of the judges said.

''and Yuji.... ''Zico looked down before he says something ''you are doing good, your moves are way neater, your height is adding a balance for the teamwork, but you need to get relax I noticed that you aren't relaxed when it's not your part, please do work on that''

''yes, thank you'' she bowed.

after the judges left the practice room the I-LANDERS gathered to have their meeting regarding to changing parts.

''I think I'm okay with it'' k said while lowering his head.

''I think Jungwon is really good'' Jaebom suddenly spoke, ''but since three people will be chosen by the judges, I think it would be risky if we don't take their advice, and while we still have time we must not create things that we will regret t the end,'' Yuji said carefully expressing her advice.

''But if you don't feel confident or if you don't think that there's enough time then it's better to change it'' seon agreed.

the others started to talk about heesung's impact during Fire and getting a high recommendation from them, but for Yuji, she only wants the best for the team, she thinks that Jungwon stands out  just like how they describe heesung and can say they are both doing a good job.

heesung's opinion was based on what will Jungwon feels or decide.

In the end, Junwon got to swap with heesung's part, and practices again and again but it's not going well as he would like, his expressions are too stiff and a bit far from the song so he asked for Yuji's help and she would tell him what he should do and not.

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