Mutual (platonic Eggcheese)

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"Ya, kinda did," Mr Cheese slightly laughed. 

"No, no," Mr Egg said, turning on the radio.  "Yes!  I really like this song...!"

Mr Cheese got more surprised.  "Shit, me too!"

Mr Egg started singing slightly, and Mr Cheese realized he had a really pretty voice.  He enjoyed listening to it.

"That's good!" He said after a bit.

Mr Egg looked over for a second and made a questioning noise.

"Your singing, I mean," Mr Cheese smiled.  "It's real good.  Better than mine."

"Thank you.  I didn't even realize I was singing.  And by the way, your voice is good too," Mr Egg said casually.

"What?  How do you know?  How have you heard me singing..."

"I haven't!" Mr Egg said cheerfully.  "TheGentleman told me that, actually."

Mr Cheese tilted his head.  "Ho-how much did he tell you about me?"

"A lot," Mr Egg emphasized.  "He sorta couldn't stop talking about you."

Mr Cheese grinned.  "Oh!  Yay..."

"Wasn't all good," Mr Egg continued.  "Especially at first.  But he was kind of obsessed with you.  I wasn't surprised when he left for me for you..." his voice starting to contain a slight bitter tint.

"Mmm," Mr Cheese said, not being able to bring himself to apologize for getting back with TheGentleman; which was all well with Mr Egg, who also didn't apologize for how he dated TheGentleman.

"Didn't know he talked about me so much," Mr Cheese simply said.  "I guess it's not a surprise it wasn't all good."

"Well, that's to be expected of some newly broken up couples," Mr Egg sighed. 

"He didn't talk bad about you," Mr Cheese frowned.

Mr Egg slightly smiled and didn't say anything.

Mr Cheese sat back and they soon arrived.

They didn't say much to each together until they got in the booth.  Mr Egg immediately looked at the menu.

"I get the same thing every time I come here," Mr Cheese mentioned. 

"This restaurant is too nice for that!" Mr Egg said passionately.  "I get a different egg dish combined with another different dish every time."

"I mean, sometimes I order a different type of cheese."

"But that's not trying something new, is it?  I'm sure you've tried every type of cheese," Mr Egg jokes.

Mr Cheese couldn't help but laugh.  "Ya, that is true!"

After that, they didn't talk much other than occasional little comments, until their food came.

Mr Cheese tried to slower than usual, until he noticed Mr Egg was eating quickly.  Mr Cheese ate fast.

"I can't control my eating here!" Mr Egg said.  "The only person who prepares eggs better than them is me."

"Eggs are never good," Mr Cheese giggled.  

"How dare you!" Mr Egg said, faking some of the passion in his voice.

Mr Cheese shrugged.  "It's true."

"Ah, I understand," Mr Egg laughed.  "You are meaning to say cheese."

"Never!  Don't even joke about that..." Mr Cheese said happily.

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