⁶.²⁰the slug party

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Athena had tugged on Harry's sleeve, not noticing that Neville had been talking to them. "Harry, M's there- oh hey Nev."

"Hi Fi! Is Harry the one you went with? What happened to the girl that you were originally going to take? Kiyu- Kiyoku?"

Athena let out a small laugh as Harry furrowed his brows. "It's Kiyoko, and she has a bad cold so she couldn't go. Now I'm stuck with this dimwit."

"Oh, that's unfortunate." Neville commented, Harry dropping his mouth at the comment and Athena laughing. "Well I have to keep serving these drinks. Want one?"

"Does it contain alcohol?" Athena asked.

"I think-"

"I'll take two please." Athena swooped two wine glasses from the tray, holding both in one hand as she dragged Harry with the other. "Bye Nev! We'll see ya later!"

"How does Nev know that you were going to take that Ravenclaw girl?" Harry asked dumbfoundedly. "Am I the only one that didn't?"

"Well that's because I told him, and no. Ron doesn't know either. I think."

Harry let out a sigh, about to take the other wine glass from Athena before she pulled her hand away.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting a drink?" Harry stated, as if it was obvious.

"If you want a drink, then go get one. Don't take mine."

"Sheesh, and people say you're nice..." Harry muttered.

Already finishing one glass, Athena had hit the glass on Harry's forehead, hard enough to hurt him however not hard enough to break it. Before the boy could retort, Athena had already strayed to talk with Hermione.

"Why the bloody hell are you hiding back here?" Athena asked the girl, finding her behind a curtain

"Erm, I've just escaped. I left Cormac under the mistletoe."

Athena widened her eyes as she spat out the clear wine she was drinking - lucky for Hermione as Athena turned her head, unlucky for Harry as he was standing there.

"Bloody hell Fi!" Harry whisper-yelled, disgusted at the drink spat at him.

"Cormac? That's the one you took as your date?" Athena turned her head back to Hermione, completely ignoring the wine-stained Harry next to her.

"I thought it'd annoy Ron the most."

Athena slumped at this. "Oh honey, if you're going to make someone jealous, don't do that by making it worse for yourself. Besides, he's not even here!"

"I'm aware of that."

"I could've just hooked you up with some fine bloke, rather than taking that-"

"Oh Merlin here he comes." Hermione had then snuck away from the two, cutting Athena off from continuing her sentence.

"Oh bloody hell. And she wonders why she doesn't have a love life." Athena murmured, watching as her friend hid away from them. She then turned around, seeing Harry making conversation with Cormac. "Yeah no, I'm not dealing with this."

Like what Hermione did, except not crouching, Athena had gotten away from the two boys, making her way to someone who was interesting. However, just like what she had seen earlier, there were barely any interesting people in the group. After a few seconds of walking around, Athena was then caught off guard by Slughorn, who had called the girl's name.

"Athena! I would like you to meet someone!"

Not really having a say in this, the girl made her way towards her professor, who was standing next to some lady who looked like she was around her late thirties or early forties. "Hey Sluggy, hello ma'am."

Athena turned to the lady, lending her hand out in respect. "This is Mira Jones. She was one of my top students, and was in the same year as your parents. Mira, this is Athena Black, she's the daughter of Sirius and Maddilyn." Slughorn informed.

"Oh? She's the daughter of Black and Stark? Seeing as you're here I'm guessing you were either invited or are actually smart."

Athena's smile strained, as she furrowed her brows at this. "What do you mean?"

With no hesitation, Mira explained. "Well, your father wasn't exactly one of the best lot out there, as well as his little gang, always causing trouble for everyone. Did nothing useful but play pranks on people and teachers. Wasn't exactly the type I'd expect Maddie to marry. Shame that she did, marrying some bulli-"

"Now I'm afraid I'd have to stop you there." Athena interrupted the woman, standing straighter as she put on a serious yet terrifying look on her face. "I'm aware that my father may not have been part of the kindest bunch, however bad mouthing him and saying that my mother shouldn't have married him was not needed. Continue to do so any further then I'm afraid I'd do more than just let you leave with a warning."

Athena looked at the woman with a horrified look, terrifying her successfully. Slughorn - not really liking the woman's rude behaviour, decided to interfere. "N-now, I think you two know each other well enough."

Athena then relaxed a bit, turning her head to Slughorn and smiling sincerely, before turning to Mira to give a completely fake one. "Thank you for introducing me, Sluggy. However, I can't really say that it was nice meeting her. Have a good night Sluggy! Hope you eat some spoiled food Miss Jones!"

And leaving the woman offended, Athena walked away, heading towards Harry. As she neared the boy, an interruption occurred, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

 As she neared the boy, an interruption occurred, catching the attention of everyone in the room

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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