For the next few days ______ started to teach Kiyoto how to say new words which got him excited.

Katsuki was still busy with work, but coming home every night to them was the best part of his day.

Kiyoto was getting more talkative trying to communicate more with his mother but someone's when he couldn't say a word he'd try to use his hands.

At the moment ______ was with Mitsuki and Kiyoto all of them out on a shopping spree at the mall.

Kiyoto was being carried by ______ as he looked around, a few fans came over to get pictures with ______ so Mitsuki took him instead.

"So have you thought about heading back?" Mitsuki asked as _____ and her walked.

"Ehh maybe, I've already started on small solo missions again. I get Hawks or Mina to watch Kiyoto for the hours I'm gone." _______ said.

"I have no idea how you two do it. Carry the Hero work and have a baby." Mitsuki said sighing.

"Katsuki's worse then me...being Number 1 was probably tougher then he thought. I try my best to make sure he's got everything but I hardly see him since he's always so busy...and part of that is my fault with my dad missing.." _____ said.

"Hey he signed up for it. It's no ones fault but his." Mitsuki said as _____ smiled.

"Mama..hungry." Kiyoto said looking towards ______ pointing at his tummy

"Let's go to the food court." Mitsuki said as ______ nods making their way there.

Katsuki got people to test the cloth found in Akaguro's remains.

They found the the piece of cloth nearby in the courtyard.

He's been sending off many missions, he had two agency's now combining them in a bigger spot as he got sidekicks to take care of the meaningless missions.

He got Akaguro's mission as the number one case while also taking care of other ones.

He knew about his mom and _____ going out today. He hated how distant he's been being busy with work. _______'s told him and sent him tons of videos of Kiyoto talking. Each video made him upset he wasn't there but grateful she still included him.

"Hey Dynamight? We sent some pros to patrol but they haven't come back. It's been 3 hours should we send out more to figure it out?" A sidekick asked.

Katsuki looked at her and just nods shooing her off as she gathered more people to get out.

He was stuck behind his desk which he hated. He wanted to be out there fighting. But this was the best he could do for now.

His phone rang as he looked down and saw ______ as he picked up.

"KATS! Guess what!"

He smiled softly leaning back into his seat. "What?"

"They opened a new pastry shop in the mall, I give it a 10/10-"


"yes it's Papa you wanna say hi?"

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