Kapter 70

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For the next few days, It was all a mess for Katsuki.

He went back to joining Steel, thankfully Steel and his team were now in Tokyo.

So Katsuki didn't have to leave his family.

Steel provided a safety procedure for Katsuki's family and they were currently on their way to meet up with his team.

Katsuki parked the car as ______ got out holding Kiyoto close to her.

They walked into a building then into a private room where there was Steel, his assistant, some brown haired man, another black haired man and then a familiar face.

"Shoto!?" ______ said as Shoto looked over smiling seeing her and Katsuki.

"It's nice to see you two again." Shoto said smiling at her as she smiled back.

"What are you doing here?" Katsuki asked.

"They've asked me to participate in the Infinites capture." Shoto said until he looked back at _____ and in her arms.

"He looks just like you Bakugou." Shoto commented as Kiyoto looked up at the unusual man with red and white hair.

Katsuki scoffed. "Of course he does I made him."

______ glared at Katsuki as he corrected himself.

"I meant she made him..I helped..."

Shoto laughed softly as he then turned as the two unfamiliar men walked over.

The black haired man bowed to them as a greeting.

"My names Artlo, it'll be nice to work with you two, pro hero Dynamight and pro hero Kira." Artlo said.

"Work?" _____ said confused. "No im not going to-" she was cut off by the brown haired man.

He took her free hand kissing the top which raged Katsuki.

"Kira, my name is Blade. I'm sure you've heard of me from our shared friend Plasma?" Blade asked smirking.

______ pulled her hand away from him wiping it on Katsuki as she smiled nodding.

"AYE!" Katsuki yelled at him then her.

"Yes I've heard of you. But like I was saying before you cut me off. I'm not working." _____ said.

Steel walked over.

"Actually you are. Don't worry about the kid we'll find a nanny or someone to have him-"

"Excuse me? And who the hell are you?" _____ asked as the boys eyes widen even Katsuki's.

Steel looked at her seeing her deadly glare. "Wow that glare could kill. I'm Commander Steel head of this whole organization and mission-"

"So you're the one who can't stop these guys? If you can't even do that don't give yourself the Commander title. Also don't tell me what to do with my kid. I told you I'm not working." _____ snapped irritated already by his presence.

Steel raised a brow and then looked behind her at Katsuki.

"I'm surprised at how you're still alive." Steel said.


Shoto sighed. "Can we get back to the mission? You called us all here for a reason isn't that right?" Shoto asked Steel.

"Yes please sit down and we can start- Uh..you can leave the kid with my assistant if you'd like." Steel offered as _____ looked at his assistant who smiled but she glared just walking and sitting down.

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