Shit! I completely forgot to cover up! I didn't check the time, and they walked right in on me in my tank top. God, I hate this!

"Ah... Ya. They're really nothing to pay attention to." I try to close the subject.

"Sorry, kid, these idiots need a lesson." I hear her say, and suddenly she was pushing with all her might to get out.

"No! No, you can't!" I grunt out, trying to fight her.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Kaminari comes closer to check on me.

"Oh, don't worry, little one, she is just fine. She's just going to rest for a bit." she fucking took control and won't give it back.

"L-Little one?" Kaminari was very confused...

I am being forced to watch this whole thing while she 'teaches them a lesson.' I try to fight her to take control back, but she has a firm grip on it and keeps pushing me back.

"Now, listen up here, you little assholes."

"Oi! What the hell are you doing!?" I ask her.

"Who the hell told you she wants you to bring up her scars, huh!? Those are battle scars! Something to be proud of, not for you to look at and make things fucking awkward!" she continues to yell at my friends and thank God they couldn't see me- or the real me- augh! This is so embarrassing!

"Shut up! You're making things weird!" I tell her again.

"Um, (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Kirishima comes up to me- her, I mean and tries to calm her down.

"As I said, she doesn't need any of you to worry about her or give her those stupid pity eyes of yours. If you like scars so much, I can give you some right now." I feel her pull out those daggers in the air behind her back.

"OI! I'm serious! Stop! This is not okay! You can't hurt my friends." I yell in my head.

"Kirishima? I think you should step back." Izuku warns him.

"You call these people your friends?" she replies to me out loud, and now everyone is looking at her like she has completely lost it. Or at least to them, like I lost it. "I'll spare the redhead since he helped last night, but the others are useless." she shrugs and aims her daggers.

"Hey, hey. Let's try to calm down, okay? No one needs to get hurt." Kirishima stands in front of us, trying to shield the others.

"You're cute if you think you can stop my daggers." she replies to him with a smirk.

"Enough! They are all good people!" I yell again. Damn it, I can't seem to get back in control. My strength to fight her is drained!

"I'll at least try." he activates his quirk, and his entire body hardens.

"Ooh." she coos. "The only other person who dared to stand in my way and survived is Delicious. Maybe that's why he's friends with you." she licks her lips and walks towards him.

She doesn't realize it because she doesn't know Kirishima like I do, but something clicked in his head. "Midoriya, keep an eye on her; I'll be right back." he says before running towards the rooms.

"Should I freeze her in her place?" Prince Charming asks, and she glares at him.

"Try me, human. I'll turn you into a nice meal." I see the others shiver when she threatens to turn Todoroki into food.

"I-I don't think there is a need to turn anyone into anything. L-Let's just try to stay calm." Izuku steps in.

"You. You're too cute to kill, almost too innocent as well. Maybe you can be a pet? Would you like to be my pet, little green bunny?" she actually asks.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now