Jiper- The Corn Maze

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Hello lovelies!  This is a Jiper fanfic, and I decided to do this idea because the title humors me  (If you get this joke explain it in the comments for my other readers hint: it's not about the labyrinth) Please enjoy!

Piper's POV

Me and Jason stood in line waiting for tickets to get into the corn maze at a Halloween festival (It was Nico's idea).  I looked up at Jason, his eyes sparkled in amusement and his scar was curved because he was smiling.  He abruptly turned to me to find us closer than he thought, promptly blushing a deep red.  I almost laughed but instead just to humor myself I pretended that I wasn't fazed, "Were you gonna say something?"  I asked with my brow raised.

"Oh, um, um..." He stammered, we have been dating for 3 years and he still was awkward and blushy when we got close, but if I'm being honest he is really cute when her stammers.

I chuckled, " You gonna kiss me or what?"

He leaned forward and we shared a quick but meaningful kiss. 


We turned around to see Percy making a gagging motion behind us, and Annabeth elbowing him in the ribs.

"Oh, we didn't know you were behind us."  Jason chuckled.

"It's like when you two are together, everybody else disappears"  Annabeth said.

Me and Jason then made a sheepish laugh in unison in response to her remark.

The line continued to move forward until we were up to buy tickets, Jason offered to pay and we continued on.  Once our group of four made it to the entrance of the cave.

"Are you guys up for a little competition?"  Annabeth asked attempting to look innocent, but I could see the daring look in her eye.

"Sure, I'm up for it"  Jason said.

"Of course, but why don't we make it a little more interesting how about we split up into teams and whichever team gets to the end first gets 10 drachmas from the opposing team"  I said.

"Just what I was thinking, Percy you're with me and you are not allowed to argue"  Annabeth replied.

"I wasn't gonna argue"  

"I know."  Annabeth kissed Percy on his forehead.

Once they left to go into the corn maze,

 " Well that leaves us, Madam Piper,"  Jason said in a posh accent,"So would you do me the great honor of being my teammate?"

"Why, of course I would, good sir"  I said and we both began to chuckle.

"Lets go in!" 

We both wandered into the maze, imposed by the complex twists and turns it proposed.  

I began walking straight forward until there was a fork in the path, 

"Jason, which way should we go?"

There wasn't an answer.

I turned around to look for him, but he wasn't in sight.

"Jason, Sparky....JASON GET BACK HERE!"  I yelled in search of him.

  wandered blindly through the maze, eventually finding the exit but no sparky.  Percy and Annabeth were sitting on a hay bail, Annabeth in Percy's lap and they were sorting through Halloween candy, finding the best pieces.  

"How long have you two been here?" I asked.

"About 30 minutes, we have had some experiences with mazes in the past..."  Annabeth answered.

"Have you guys seen Jason anywhere?"  I asked.

They both seemingly tried to muffled a chuckle and said, "Nope, haven't seen him"  Percy said, looking at something behind me.

I gave a suspicious look, and was about to say something, but then someone picked me up from behind.  I shrieked in surprise, but quickly realized it was Jason.

"Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"  He said, "But you can't stay mad, remember the date I had planed" 

"Ugh, next time you won't get out of it this easy, you won't always have a date planned."

He just smiled, and tilted his head up to kiss me.

All done!  Hope you liked it!  Please comment and vote, be sure to tell your friends about this story!

I love you all!

Goodbye, lovelies!

( : : )( : : )( : : )( : : )

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