Meet Chrisse- Ana-Maria Teribilul

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Hello, lovelies today is a half day for school!  I will get this chappie out sooner!  Speaking of which this chappie is a cliche meet Chrisse.  I like to read them and to write them, please enjoy.

Monica POV

My name is Monica.  I go to Bridgewood High and I am the only decent person there, well except for my friends.  The least-decent person there was Clarisse LaRue.  She is a total crazy person,  I once tried to be nice to her but she just growled something that sounded suspiciously like, "Stupid Dionysus, sending me here with all these stupid mortals."  Clarisse has stringy brown hair always covered by a bandanna and muscular arms.

I am perfect, unlike her I can get any guy I want.  Although she just doesn't care about that stuff, she is so weird I don't think she's fully human.  ( you have no idea)

Today was like any day, I watched as Clarisse sifted through her back pack with a seemingly permanent scowl on her face. 

I heard whispers of a hot new guy at the school, I smirked finally , maybe this guy wouldn't be boring like all the other guys.

I also knew that Clarisse didn't stand a chance (What did she ever do to you?) I smirked even bigger at the thought and went to greet the new guy.

I rushed down the hallway towards the front door and saw him, a well tanned brown haired boy with a mischievous smile. 

I walked towards him with a flirtatious smile, when a calloused hand refrained me.  I heard a voice say "I know what your trying to do, Silena taught me how to know a flirtatious look when I see one"  

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Why do you care?" I asked challengely.  She just sniffed and walked away, I could tell she really wanted to punch me but she didn't.    

The guy came towards me and I smiled.  My smile quickly disappeared when he walked passed me and to Clarisse.  What was he going to her for?!

He wrapped an arm around her waist, and she rolled her eyes and flushed.  

I was so mad, I thundered over to them and ripped them apart, "WHAT, are you doing!"  He said in a deep voice rather protectivly, "Hanging out with my girlfriend." Girlfriend?! "How is she your girlfriend, she so ugly and your so-" I was cut of by Clarisse, "You got nerve," she growled "Calling me ugly and trying to flirt with my boyfriend!"  She came towards me but stopped suddenly by the new guy who said, "We uh, better get going come on, Clarisse."  She looked like she was about to argue but stopped. The walked away leaving me in there dust.

I huffed in annoyance I hope I never see them again I thought to myself.

And I never did.

Whoohoo! I did it!  I hope you liked it!  This chappie is dedicated to @CindytheCarrot for checking out my story!

 I love you all!

I don't own anything.

Goodbye lovelies!

( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : )

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