Concessions and Confessions (Tratie)

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Hello, lovelies!  I'm sorry this is late! I was feeling lazy and my grandparents are having trouble It's been a mess.  Enjoy this Tratie fic!

Katie POV

I was lounging in a chair during a counselor meeting, Mr. D said, "  Hecate is busy with a spell on enchanting goats," (Don't ask) " and since she is distracted with that she can not keep up with the spell that keeps the weather out of this camp, as a result the strawberries are having trouble growing due to the wintry state long island is in and we are losing funds-"  He was rudely interrupted by Travis Stoll's Allurin- ANNOYING I MEANT ANNOYING voice. " Hold up, if the camp is losing funds, why are you telling us, there is nothing we can do about it."

Mr. D glared at  him and he shrank back, I almost laughed.  "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by Tanner Steph (Fuller house anyone? No? ok.....), the camp is losing funds and you counselors are selling concussions to raise money."  

We all groaned in sync, but Mr.D ignored us and poofed away.  "Well children,"  Chiron said " Your concessions can be found on the dining hall tables, I understand this is not convenient but it is for the good of the camp.  I expect you all to be here at 7am to be paired up and start selling."  He trotted away leaving us with our thoughts.

---------------------------------------------Time skip to that night-----------------------------------------------------

I was up at 11:00 pm in my spots bra and sweatpants reading a book with a flashlight under my covers.  I knew I would regret staying up this late- I was NOT a morning person.  I eventually passed out, but I felt a liquid sensation in my hair ans heard some evil snickering in the dark side of the morning.  But, I was too tired to investigate it.  

When I woke up I rubbed my warm face and looked in the mirror to find my chocolate brown hair turned green.  And I knew exactly who did it.  I screamed, "STOLLS!"  I threw on a shirt and changed into some jean shorts and stormed outside to face them.    

I found the Stoll brothers running from the Hermes cabin like they always do.  "What do you have to say for yourselves?!  I HAVE GREEN HAIR!!"  They glanced at each other with a smug look on their faces and said in unison, "No regrets." They sprinted away.  I started after them but quickly realized it was no use.  The nerve of him!  I went back to cabin four to vent to my younger full-sister Miranda.

"Miranda,"  I shook her awake " Wake up Travis is being annoying."  She sprang up and gave me a sly smile, "Oh, was Conner there too?"  "Yeah, why?"  "You only said Travis at first, is Travis more important?  DO YOU LOVE HIM?"  She wiggled her eyebrows.

I flushed, though I don't now why.  " No!  Of course I don't like him Travis is annoying, idiotic cu-annoying."  She gasped, "You were about to say CUTE!  Katie's got a cruuussshhhhhh!"  No I don't"  I retorted.  "Yes, you do and you don't have time to argue."  I glanced at my watch, di immortales!  I'm going to be late it's 6:59!  "Gotta go!"  I slid on some pink slides and bolted out the door. 

When I got to the big house, everyone looked surprised at my new hair-do except Travis who was laughing his head off.  I scowled at him and he promptly shut up.

I sat down on the couch as Chiron said, "Good morning, demigods your partners will be drawn at random right now.  Percy and Annabeth, Clarisse and Chris, Jason and Piper..."  So on and so forth after a while I got a sneaking suspicion that Aphrodite cabin was rigging these pairs with their lovey-dovey magic.

"And finally, " He said "Travis and Katie"  My jaw dropped, "What's so surprising katie-kat?" a voice behind me asked.  I glared at Travis for the annoying nickname.  I rolled my eyes and said, "Come on, let's just go get the concessions."  I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the mess hall.

------------------------------time skip to the end of the day because I am lazy.-----------------------------------

It was around 8:00 pm when we finally sold enough goods to finish.  We were about to head back to our cabins when I realized I had to tell him something.  "You'd better not prank me tonight, Stoll if you-"  His had covered my mouth and he said, "No promises katie-kat, G'night!"  He then jogged back to the Hermes cabin, and I to the Demeter cabin.  

As I laid in bed I found myself missing his hand and I came to a realization. 

I was in love with Travis Stoll.

I was in love with a Stoll.

And I was in deep doo-doo.

------------------------------------The next morning-----------------------------------------------------------------------

"Okay, demigods! today you will be baking 20 cupcakes to sell, today is the last day of selling." Chiron said.  I'm glad it was, even though it's only the second day I wanted to see my siblings more .  Me and Travis went into the big house kitchen, and that's when I started sweating my first house had been burned down by a monster while I was trapped in a kitchen and it sounds weird but ever since then I haven't stepped in a kitchen due to my sub-conscious fear.

I was starting to hyperventilate when Travis pre-heated the oven, I was able to blurt out, "I gotta do something!"  before sprinting away.  I heard him yelling "Hey, Katie where are you going!  Wait up!"  I just kept running as his shouts got further away.  I ended up in some sort of glen, it was beautiful, nymphs everywhere.  I said "Hello, do you mind if I sit here?" A tall green one came into sight.

"H-hi daughter of Demeter of course you c-can."  "No need to be nervous I just need to calm down."  

I laid there for who know how long, and I eventually feel asleep.

I woke up to about a million stars, no nymphs and yelling in the background.  "Hey Katie-kat I was so worried I've been looking for five hours!  What are you doing here and why so long?"  I sighed, "Welll-um my kitchen burned when I was trapped in it, and I guess I haven't got over it and I haven't stepped into a kitchen since so I ran away and ended up here to cool off."  He softened, "You coulda just told me."  "Why would you care? You always prank me and annoy me."

"How could I not care katie-kat?"  He turned bright red "I-I like you."  

It was my turn to blush, "I do to.." We leaned in...

And it was pretty much the best Nature-glen kiss of all time.

That was long! I'm really proud of how this turned out, and if you don't like it don't worry!  I have enough love for this for the both of us!  I hope y'all enjoyed it! PLEASE vote and comment this literally took 2 hours, and it only takes 2 seconds to vote and comment!

Good bye, lovelies 

I don't own Rick's books

( : : )( : : )( : : )( : : )

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