Fredrick Chase Meets Percabeth

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Warning:  May contain cringe-worthy content!

Hello dear lovelies! Today I am doing Fredrick Chase meets Percabeth, I love to read these type of stories and I also enjoy writing them, I hope you like it!

Fredrick's POV:


I woke up as I do everyday, with the sun shining through the windows, and my lovely wife beside me.  But, today was not like any-other day, today my seventeen year old daughter Annabeth was visiting!  I haven't seen her since the end of the titan war, and I was over-the-moon excited.  She asked me over Iris-Message if she can bring a friend, I said yes trying not to be fowl.  

------------------------------------------Time Skippy-------------------------------------------------------------------     

It was around noon when a guy with swirling sea-green eyes, and hair so black it was almost blue barged into the foyer with a my daughter in his arms.  A worried look immediately took over my face when I saw the cuts and bruises splayed all over her limbs and torso.  The guy (who looked oddly familiar) spoke, " Annabeth- she's hurt, we were attacked by emposai (A/N Spelling...?) on the way here!"  I quickly responded, " A couple of Ambrosia squares are in the medicine cabinet above the sink." 

After we revived her with the food of the Gods, Annabeth sat up stiffly and relive washed over both me and the green-eyed (somewhat) stranger.  She saw me and we hugged awkwardly, she said with a sheepish smile, "Hi fre-dad sorry for the most-likely panic-attack I gave you." I responded, "It' okay, Annabeth" 

After all the excitement I began to fully process that she brang a boy with her.  I was about to confront her about it but Helen called for dinner at the same moment.

We were having a nice sea-food dinner when I noticed the guy wasn't eating and pushed the plate away from him with disgust.  Annabeth noticed my offended expression and said, " Percy won't eat fish, because he is a son of Poseiden, if he ate fish he would be considered as a cannibal."

I suddenly realized where I remembered him from, he was the scrawny fourteen-year old from three years ago that saved Annabeth!  I no longer had a problem with him visiting, so for the rest of dinner we created friendly small talk and learned all about the couple's adventure.  I had to keep my self from fan-boying, hey don't judge, just because I fancy Athena does not meant I don't have an Aphrodite side. 

That evening I saw the two cuddling on the couch and I put a fuzzy grey blanket on them, I couldn't help but smile.  My little girl was so happy.

All done!  I am so proud of myself!  I hope you liked this chappie, I sure did!

Love y'all,


( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : )

I don't own Percy Jackson, Annabeth does. Be sure to vote and comment!

Important A/N I won't be doing two chapters a day often, I just sick today.  ( Don't worry it's not covid, just Salmonella somebody ate too much brownie batter....

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