Jealous- Percabeth

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Hello, lovelies!  First of all I want to thank you for 666 reads!  I'm very appreciative of you all!  Anyhow, here is the newest chappie!

Annabeth's POV

I groggily woke up, my face was warm and I could almost taste my morning breath.  I blinked checking my watch, it read 6:00 am it was time for my morning run.

As I crept out of my cabin, a floorboard creaked despite my careful steps.  I winced, hoping that non of my half-siblings stirred at the sound.  I checked around the room, and breathed a silent sigh of relive- I wasn't supposed to be past the border without permission.

The sun was just peeking out over the horizon.  I deeply inhaled the fresh morning air, there was barely a cloud in the sky.  I jogged past all the cabins, slowing down when I reached cabin 3, I silently checked on him he was in a starfish position and was drooling.  I lightly chuckled, Some things never change.   (A/N Like the feel of your hand in mine...)

I jogged past Thalia's pine, on an thin asphalt path.  It was slightly windy today and I was having trouble keeping my unruly hair tamed,  it kept flying into my face. I sat on a wood bench nearby, to put it into a ponytail.  I was half way through, when I saw the devil it's self, there was a small black spider crawling towards me.  So I did the logical thing.  I screamed in terror.

I backed away slowly, keeping my eyes fixed on the small arachnid that was inching towards me.  I heard jogging footsteps behind me and a  foot pounded the spider.  I turned around to see a man with some scrolls of paper in his arms.  "T-thanks"  I said, still shaken by my encounter with the spider.

"No problem, I happen to know a case of arachnophobia when I see one"  He said, and smiled.

"Yes, I have a little bit of a problem with spiders,"  I eyed the scrolls in his arms, "Are those blue prints?"

"In fact they are, I take college Architecture classes."

"Can I see them?"  I asked.

"Of course!"  He said, oddly peppy.

He flattened out the designs, reveling a building similar to Indian architecture.

"Is that Indian style?"  

"Yes it is, although I don't look too Indian I happen to have some in my blood."

I checked my watch, it was 6:30 I had to get back to camp. 

"I've gotta go, can I get your name?"


"I'll see you around, Adam!"


He could be a good friend to talk about Architecture with. I thought

---------------------------------------Time skip to Percabeth at the  beach ----------------------------------------

Me and Percy's fingers were laced together, and my feet were being massaged by the warm sand.  "Hey, wise girl?"


"Was that you who watched me sleeping?"

I blushed a deep red and said sheepishly,"I um was checking on you?"

"That sounded like a question, Annabeth.  You never did grow out of that."  He smirked in a way that was kind of annoying, but in never failed to make me smile.

I thought back to before me and Percy's second quest, when I may or may not have spied on him.  I blushed at the memory.

"Do you wanna go in the water?"  He asked.

I chuckled, I knew he was going to say that but I had other plans, "Sorry, seaweed brain but I have a book to finish."

He pouted, but his baby-seal face didn't work on me anymore.  "Why don't you go talk to some starfish or something."

He sighed, "Fine"

I laid on a blue beach towel (You'll never guess who bought it) and opened my book.  By the time I was at chapter 30, I heard footsteps jog my way.  I looked up to see Adam towering over me.  

"Hey, Adam"  I said, even though I wasn't in the mood to converse.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could get your name."


"Cool, nice name!"  I glance towards the shoreline to see Percy scowling in Adam's direction."

"Hey, I can't talk now." I said to Adam.

He looked at me, suspicious "Okay then I guess I'll see you around"

He jogged away and I started towards Percy, ready to tease him.

"Were you jealous?"  I asked, straightforward, smiling slyly.

"N-no I wasn't"  I raised an eyebrow, knowing he was lying.

"Fine, I was jealous.  He was good looking, okay?"

I chuckled, "Seaweed brain, I can't think anyone is good looking, after all no one looks like you." He blushed at my compliment, and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug.  He whispered into my ear, "I love you, wise girl"   

"I love you too"

Sorry, not my best work, there was not enough Percabeth fluff.  Despite that, I hope you liked it!

Goodbye my lovelies!

I love you all!

I don't own Percy or Annabeth.

( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : )

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