Chapter 27

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Delia's P.O.V.

Reporters, journalists, TV crews, paparazzi. They were everywhere as Zayn and I got out of the car. Zayn had said since the whole world was keeping updated with our baby, we needed to let them come to the memorial, but that management had made it clear no one was answering questions or giving interviews. They were to stay off to the side and let the memorial proceed as if they weren't there.

I saw the rest of them standing in a group talking.

"Hey," Liam called, spotting us first. The rest of them turned and immediately the girls swarmed me with a hug.

"How are you doing?" Eleanor asked.

I shrugged. "OK I guess. I think I'll be better once this is over."

"For sure," Danielle smiled.

"We should go sit. It'll be starting soon," Zayn said coming to take my hand.

We walked to our seats in the front row and I saw Harry had gotten Ed Sheeran to play for us. He gave me a small smile and I knew he felt awful that this had happened. I smiled in return as he softly strummed his guitar.

No one knew I was planning on making a speech besides the pastor of the local church so it was no surprise that Zayn whispered, "What are you doing?" as I stood up later on.

"Good afternoon," I began. "Um...I don't want to be up here for long but I felt like I had to make a short speech. I know everything about this baby is in the papers and the news. Everyone knew I was pregnant and now, everyone knows I lost him. But what people don't know is what he meant to me."

I had to pause to swallow back my tears as I continued. "When I was a kid, I felt worthless. I got made fun of and I didn't have the greatest home life. After my mum died when I was 16 and I became a new person, I went out and I partied every weekend. I was the fun girl, the party girl. I was the one you wanted at your party. But I was also always too scared to commit myself to someone. That all changed once I met Zayn.

"But when I found out I was pregnant, I was scared again. I was scared of what he was going to think, I didn't know how I was going to be able to take care of a baby when I'm going to Uni and Zayn is away with the band. But after I told him, I realized it didn't matter. I was going to love and care for this baby if it killed me...but it didn't kill killed him. The accident, losing my son, has made me realize how precious life really is, how easily we can be ripped from the world. I want my son to be a living reminder not only to me, but to the rest of the world that you can't just waste your life away like I did in high school. You have to live every moment like it's the last one. That doesn't mean go out and get blackout drunk, it means you have to show the people in your life how much they mean to you and how much you care for them. Show everyone who you are, don't hide behind a mask like I did. Everyone thought I was the tough girl, the one that couldn't be crossed. But really I was just a scared little teenager. I never thought I'd admit that to anyone, but losing my baby has made me realize that if I go through my life hiding away, I'm not going to get away really. I have to just stand up and say, this is me, this is who I am and really, I don't care what you think of me because I am who I am, and I'm not afraid to show the world. Thank you."

I walked back to my seat as a silence was cast over the crowd. Zayn took my hand as the pastor continued and he whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I answered.

"We're going to ask Zayn and Delia to come forward after the tree has been placed and say a final good-bye to their lost child and begin the planting process," the pastor said.

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