Chapter 21

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Delia's P.O.V.

I don't know how long I sat out there, but it was long enough for the sun to go down and my mood to go down with it. I wanted to break down and cry. There was no point of keeping my walls up and staying so guarded anymore, they all knew, but it was a part of me for so long, I couldn't bring myself to cry.

"Delia?" a small voice said.

I turned and Claire was standing behind me.

"Come back inside will you? We didn't mean to hurt you," she said.

I sighed and stood up. "It wasn't you guys," I said. "It's just me. I'm just kind of tired of being so guarded."

"You don't always have to be the tough girl nothing bothers," Claire said. "It's OK to let your guard down."

"No it's not Claire," I said. "Not for me."

I walked past her inside and that night I tried to forget about what I had just done and I think I convinced them I did. I was being my normal loud self, sarcastic and cheeky.

They all crashed around three but I was still up, messing around on Tumblr and Twitter.

@Delia_Rouge: late night tonight...Twitcam anyone?(:

I got so many favorites, retweets and replies that 10 minutes later I was sitting at the dining room table and whispering to my screen.

"I have to be quiet. There's four girls sleeping over there," I said turning the screen so they could see.

@SammiiiXX: draw on their faces!! :D

I laughed softly and said, "I would draw on their faces but I think they'd wake up. Do you guys have questions?"

@Zayns_Princessss58XX: yeah I do. Why do you think you're worthy enough of being with Zayn?

"Why do I think I'm worthy enough of being with Zayn?" I asked. "Is this just going to turn into a session of me answering questions about my relationship? To answer your question, I don't know where you got the idea I think I'm 'worthy' of dating anyone. I never said I was worthy. I was just lucky enough to have him want to be with me."

@Trixiee_LALALA88: What do you do for school or work?

"Well I don't have a job," I said. "I go to Uni and I major in music and I minor in English."

@SweetieKy45x: music? Can you sing? :D

"You guys want me to sing?" I asked. Immediately the screen filled with responses and I laughed and said, "Well let's see if Harry has a guitar lying around. Come with me."

I grabbed my computer and walked down the hall, looking in rooms for a guitar. Mostly, I was stalling and trying to give them something funny to watch.

"I feel like I'm in a jungle trying not to wake a sleeping lion," I whispered to the screen.

I opened Claire's bedroom door and spotted one in the corner.

"Jackpot," I smiled at the screen. "Claire if you ever watch this, hope you don't mind."

I grabbed the guitar and made my way to the back door. I walked outside and set the computer on the grass where the yard lights were shining brightly and sat in front of it.

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