five - bryson

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IT'S BEEN A week and Sandra's ex is still around, and she's still seeing him. And guess what? I still haven't stopped her. Yeah, I've officially run mad.

Psych ward, here I come!

"When's Diego leaving?" I ask over the sound of the movie we're watching.

Sandra, whose head was resting on my laps just moments ago looks up at me and creases her eyebrows, confusion clouding her big eyes. "Who?"

"Diego. Your ex." I say and she snorts.

"Babe, his name is Dylan." She laughs. "And I don't know, I haven't asked."

Sighing, I watch as she leans closer into me and shifts her focus back to the movie. Her beautiful green eyes growing bright with the reflection from the screen hitting them. Just before I look away, she catches me staring and smiles at me before pausing the movie.

"I love you, you know. So much." She says bringing a palm to stroke my face, and just like that, the feel of her hand on my skin begins to subdue the waves of doubt in my mind–only just, only for now.

I smile back. "I love you too." I say before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"And you said you'd pay attention to the movie so watch it, not me." A stern finger points at my face as she looks at me emphatically, but with a playful smile playing on her lips. "And don't worry about Diego, today's about me and you. Everyday actually."

A grin makes its way to my face. "I thought his name was Dylan."

She smiles back. "Well whatever his name is, he isn't here. You are. Now, watch the movie."

"Okay, okay. Just as long as you promise not to drool over Ryan Reynolds anymore."

She gets up and looks at me, wide eyed, dramatic as ever. "There's no way you expect me to keep that promise."

"Not even for me?" I put my hand on my heart in mock hurt.

She looks down and then back at me dramatically. "Bryson I-" She casts her eyes back down. "I'm afraid you're asking too much of me."

"If that's the case, I don't think I can do this anymore." I continue my charade.

"Do what? Us? Are you...are you actually breaking up with me?" Her British accent grows thicker as she asks theatrically.

"I'm afraid so, yeah." I mock her accent.

She shrieks and throws a pillow at me. "You just had to!"

"I couldn't help mi self." Shrugging, I don't stop, a blank look on my face.

"Ah, shut up Bryson." She smiles at me as she rolls her eyes. "Your impersonation of me sucks anyways."

Laughing, I pull her back to me, holding her to my chest this time. "We both know that's not true."

"Whatever." She makes herself comfortable on my body. "Back to Ryan Reynolds." I roll my eyes as she hits play.

"You're actually obsessed with him. It's hard not to get jealous." A small smile comes to my face as I shake my head.

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