"I'm sorry children, but the king needs the princess. And it's urgent! So we have to get out quickly."

No one thought much about it and we said goodbye.
Everyone except Meliodas flew away and he just looked at me.
And I looked at him confused.

Meliodas nodded.

"Yes, but before I go I want to give you something. I feel like something is going to happen and then all of a sudden we are facing each other in a way that is not going to be great. So this is a little gift before I go."

Meliodas nodded.

"Yes, but before I go I want to give you something. I feel like something is going to happen and then all of a sudden we are facing each other in a way that is not going to be great. So this is a little gift before I go."

It took my hands and put something in them.
He then moved his head to my face and kissed me on the cheek.

"I like you y/n and I'll be visiting you again soon. So stay safe, okay!"

I felt my face flush and nodded.
He then let go of my hands and flew into the air.
I watched him fly away and without thinking, yelled back.

"I would wait for you Meliodas! Then I can give you an answer!"

I heard Meliodas laugh and saw him put his thumb up.
I smiled and softened him.
Since that day there have been months of silence and no one came to the field to train.
I got pretty sad about it but got over it.
Meliodas promised me to come back and I am sure he will keep it.
At least Zeldris always says that he has never broken a promise and as far as I know it is true.
So I would wait for him until the end of the world.
I trusted Meliodas completely and found out that day that I loved him more than I actually knew.
A year has passed and I haven't seen anyone from the demon clan yet ..
Gloxinia tells me to stop believing he's going to come back, but he knows it's not that easy for me.
But I did achieve many new things that Chandler would be proud of if he were here.
I have received my secret treasures.
And yes there are two, one for each shape,
At least me magical forms and not me human form.
I received the secret treasures during a test that is being set up for people who wanted to earn a secret treasure.
And I won a great fairy bow and scythe of pain there with the trials.
Not only did I get those secret treasures, my powers and wings in both forms are almost perfect.
But that's not the biggest thing that happened right now.
And there is a war going on between all races and humans have a hard time with it.
Every race or clan is involved and no one is safe.
I, Gloxini and Gerheade's sister Gloxinia decided to protect the empire so the other fairies could flee.
Everyone was angry that I was going to help, but they know that I am even more powerful than Gloxinia and he is the king of this realm.
But that's not the point now.
What matters is that people will die.
People who don't deserve it and can't do anything about it.
At the moment I am on patrol to see if there are any dangers.
I was flying through the forest when I suddenly saw a big bang that seemed way too familiar to me.
It was a demon power orb similar to what Chandler taught us when we were little.
And only two people in our group could do those Zeldris and .. Meliodas!
I quickly flew that way and saw a group of demons.
I flew down and lowered my wings and walked over to them.
It seemed like she didn't notice I was there, so after I had the opportunity to stand within five meters of them.
All people wore a black notch with the sign of the demon clan.
I decided to address them.
When I looked at the characters I was jumped and Zeldris was suddenly in front of me with Estarossa..
And of course the person I had been waiting a year for Meliodas.
Meliodas, Zeldris and I were reunited...but looking back on it now, that was probably the worst thing that could have happened.
Because after that everything went wrong.
I left the boys alone and we agreed to see each other later.
But when I arrived in the fairy kingdom they were attacked..
First by a red demon and later by two albions..
The red demon had been fought by Gloxinia and me but the two albions I fought with difficulty on my own.
But I was saved by Estarossa when I thought they were both defeated but one was still alive.
He then took me with him to the rest of the Ten Commandments.
And what I saw was horrible..
The goddess race kills thousands of demons in one fell swoop, including the family of the ten commandments.
I felt so bad about this situation
The guys were against it at first, but in the end I got it together that we were going to help people and later gather in the same place..
And when we got back it was the moment that made everyone hate the demon race..
But I'm going to tell you we have rescued people who were attacked at the goddess race or other groups.
But Meliodas broke my heart that day..
Me and the Ten Commandments and Gloxinia were gathered together again when I saw Meliodas with a girl..
Her name was Elizabeth and she was the daughter of the goddess.
She and Meliodas were together and I had all kinds of bad thoughts about the fact that she might also be a reason why he never went looking for me.
That was also the moment that I got the sign of the sin of love on my arm.
Later, Meliodas saw each other again and said it was a misunderstanding and said that I was the only one he loved.
He even asked me to be his girlfriend, but I told him to wait until I was ready.
But then out of nowhere an angry savage voice came from above and started yelling at Meliodas.
And started saying nasty things about me that made Meliodas even angrier.
Meliodas went against the demon king that day..also called his father for me.
Everyone from the demon clan was then sucked in through a hole and Meliodas decided to team up with Elizabeth to stop him, but the work got worse because of that.
Elizabeth's mother then got involved and cursed us three along with the demon king.
Me, Meliodas and Elizabeth could never die.
Elizabeth would come back without her memory and if she got them back she would die after three days.
Melioda's emotions keep being taken from him and I was locked up with the power to break the curse.
And as you know we are now free, but even now there are still problems.. And that my story.. The story of Y/n the halfling.

-End flashback-

Everyone except Gloxinia looked at me wide-eyed.
It was as if they were petrified.
Maybe I shouldn't have told them everything...oops...

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