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"I wanna stay at Luke's!"

"No, you're gonna come home and we are gonna cuddle it out,"

"I don't want to cuddle it out,"

"Gia, you're not stay with Luke. I understand that you're angry, but if you didn't have the medicine you could get super sick,"

"I hate you,"

"I hope you understand how strong those words are,"

Rider climbed into the car with a chocolate smudge round his mouth, his smile dimming when he sensed the tension.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, I ate,"

"Alright, can you shower at home bud?"


"Gia, we are gonna order a pizza since you have been so good. Think about what you'd like on it,"

"I'm not eating with you,"

"If that's what you want,"

"It is,"

We got home and went inside, Rider giving me a cuddle, before heading up to the shower. In the meantime, I ordered pizza for Gia and I, who had gone upstairs and slammed every door she could find.

I was frustrated, and disappointed, but also understood that to her, I had broken a boundary. She felt I had lied to her which in the moment was unforgivable.

She needed time to deflate her anger, so I sent Luke a thank you text and transferred him some money for the food he had provided lately. Then, I transferred Mike the money for the Mcdonalds he had bought us, and saw Ash has given me the petrol money. All of us were pretty on top of repayment, but by the amount of money that went back and forth, we could probably transfer no money and not have much loss.

Before the pizza arrived, I did want to have a chat with Gia, so I called her down. And when she came, she made sure to stomp on every step.

I pat the seat beside me and put my phone away, but she sat on the other sofa and chewed on her cardigan.

"Don't do that, you're going to ruin it,"

She stopped, but continued to hide her face with it.

"Explain to me how you're feeling, so I can understand,"

"You said it wouldn't hurt, and it did, and you said you wouldn't let anyone harm me, but it hurt. We are meant to say the truth,"

"We are, and I am sorry it hurt more than you expected. You were really brave, and I thought it wouldn't be too bad,"

"But you give people shots, you know it hurts a lot,"

"Okay, I understand how you feel, and it's really valid, okay?"


"But what's not okay is slamming doors, and stomping around. I don't care if you are angry, you do not let it out aggressively like that,"


"Come and give me a hug,"

She slid off the sofa and climbed up next to me, hugging me tightly. I kissed her head and she began to sniffle, so I held her tightly and rubbed her back.

"How does your knee feel?"


"Yeah, but Michael cleaned it super well and stitched it up perfectly, so it will be okay,"

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