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"Why are they pacing in the garden?"

"They're trying to calm down. How was school, angel?" I asked Gia, who sat beside me.

"Okay. When can Rider come back?"

"Well, tomorrow, him and Sage are having a small operation to fix their teeth, and then they will need some recovery time too, so probably next week,"

"Oh, okay. Am I seeing Francis today?"

"You are,"

"May Ashton take me?"

"I can ask... you wanna hang out with him huh?"

"I feel confident today, and Luke told me he is the best driver. Also, I think you need to make Sage stop pacing,"

"You know Luke would take you,"

"I know, but we drove in the same car earlier and he is funny,"

"He is," I smiled, kissing her head, "I'll ask, but his car might not be fixed yet,"


"Sage and Rider are having omelette for tea because it's soft, so we can have that, or some cottage pie,"

"Cottage pie, please,"

"Okie dokie, why don't you make Sage some juice and take it to them while I cook? Tea won't be long,"

She nodded and got out a cup, watching as I got some cottage pie out of the freezer. It was my mum's vegetarian recipe, so I was glad Gia liked it. I stuck it in the microwave and then called Rider downstairs and began to make his omelette.

When he came down, he giggled and covered his mouth, doing a little dance; I raised my eyebrows and smiled, laughing quietly.

"Dad, I just realised that Sage have their own blanket,"

"They do,"

"They never had the blanket because I had it,"

"You guys will always have everything you need, and you might have to ask, but I will make sure of it,"

"Does a super hero doll count?"

"Hmmmm, that seems more like a want than a need, but I'll see what I can do,"

"Gia's dolls are boring,"

"I'll see. How are you feeling after your first night here?" I said.

"You make me feel really safe, and happy, and I am having fun!"

"You seem to have settled in really well, but if you ever want to talk to me about something making you sad, you can,"

"I like it here, and I like you. I feel better than yesterday,"

"That's really good, would you like to get a plate out?"

He ran to the cupboard and picked out a plate, handing it to me. Thanking him, I took it and put the omelette on his plate, then he carefully took it to the table to eat.

He was a curious and young soul, and it was refreshing.

"Am I still allowed to call you dad?"

"You are,"

"Because I am staying here, aren't I? With Gia, and Sage. Gia told me all about you, so I know you're good,"

"You are staying here, and that means you can be our family. I think you'll enjoy that,"

"Yeah. Thank you dad,"

"You're welcome,"

I sent Ash a quick text and then Gia walked in holding Sage's hand, and brought them to the kitchen.

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