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After Sage got so upset last night, they had wanted some time alone, so we promised to find a show tonight instead.

They'd had another tough night, and both of us were up quite a lot, but in the morning they were sound asleep.

Rider and Gia- who hadn't woken once- were perky, and she was excited to go to school again.

"Dad, my mouth feels better. Can I go?"

"You can go next week, bud, I promise. I know it sucks,"

"Okay. Is Michael coming for Gia?"

"Luke, I am afraid,"

"She loves Luke, so that's good,"

"She does," I smiled, "Now, we need to be quiet, and not disturb Sage until they wake up. They didn't sleep well,"


"Their surgery was a bit harder than yours, so it means they take longer to recover,"

"Oh, okay," he said, his body loosening, "I thought it would be like the old reasons,"

"No. What do you two want to eat?"

"Toast!" Gia said, hugging me tightly, "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"I think Rider should come back,"

"No, angel, he needs more rest,"


Hand in hand, they walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. Rider seemed to bring out a very bubbly side of Gia this morning, and I adored it.

Both of them sat at the table while I got them toast, Rider's cooked significantly less to make it soft, then I made myself a coffee while they ate.

I was relieved that Gia seemed well slept, and I knew being together with us yesterday would've helped a lot.

"I am picking you up after school, angel,"


"What do you fancy for tea tonight?"

"Are you asking me as well?" Rider asked.

"You as well. I was thinking maybe we could try some pie, and then you can have some sweet potato chips with it cos they'll be soft,"

"I have never had any of that, yes please,"

"If it is too much you can have something else, like pasta again,"

"It feels better," he insisted, and honestly, his face did look normal.

I cleared their plates and then they went up to brush their teeth, so I made Gia's lunch. Once it was in her bag, I found her shoes and then waited for her, watching her come downstairs alone this time.

I wiped the toothpaste from her cheek and then she put her shoes on.

"I hope you have a good day,"

"Thank you,"

"I love and appreciate you so, so much angel,"

She hugged me and I kissed her cheek, then she ran outside to Luke who was parked waiting. I gave him a wave- which he returned- then shut the door and went back upstairs.

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