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"Sage, are you okay?"

Rider burst into the bedroom and climbed onto their bed, trying to pry them from my arms. The only thing was, now they were in my hold, they had stuck to me like glue.


"Sage will give you a cuddle, and then me, you and Gia are going to have a chat outside, okay?"

I helped him onto my lap and they put one arm around him, placing small kisses on his head. He wiped their tears and then slid off, waiting with Gia outside.

Carefully, I took myself out of Sage's hold and passed them their water, then stepped outside their room and propped the door almost shut.

"What happened?"

"Sage is feeling really, really sad, and scared, and worried. It's making them have really sad thoughts, and like you have seen, they're really struggling to come out of their room and spend time with us because it takes loads and loads of energy when you're super sad," I said, taking one of their hands each.

"I can make them happy,"

"I know you can bud, but this sadness that Sage is feeling is complicated, and I need to take them to see a doctor to help,"

"What doctor?"

"Well I am going to take them to the hospital, and you guys are gonna stay here hopefully, with Luke and Ashton,"

"Are they hurt?" Gia asked.

"They don't need the hospital for an injury, angel, but they are going to be able to talk to someone like Clarissa,"


"Are they sad about me?" Rider asked, making it hard to hold back my tears.

"No, buddy. They love you so much, and you make them so happy, like you said,"

"You're going now?"

"Yeah, why don't you guys go and give them a hug while I call Luke and Ash,"

They nodded and slowly went into Sage's bedroom, so I walked down the hall and called Luke.

I should've felt this coming, and done something sooner. I always felt the worst pain when a kid came in needing the crisis team- sometimes I had to tend to injuries- but taking my own kid was a different level of pain.

They deserved so much happiness, but were plagued with the weight of a thousand abusive actions and words that it would take more than a hug to fix. I was perhaps naive to begin with, but not anymore.


"Hey, Luke. Are you available to look after the kids please?"

"Right now?"

"Yeah. I need to take Sage to see the crisis team at the hospital,"

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Are you okay mate?"

"Yeah, I will be okay. I'm gonna call Ash as well,"

"Let me call him, go and make sure everyone has everything they need,"

"Thank you, Luke. I am so sorry to interrupt your evening,"

"Do not apologise, Cal. Do Rider and Gia understand?"

"Well I haven't told them straight up, but I explained that they're really upset and need to talk to a doctor,"

"Okay, I will call Ash, I am setting off now,"

risk// 5SOSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora