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I loved where we lived, because it was the best place for bringing up a family.

There was a beach not too much of a drive away, we had good weather, and there were lots of good schools.

There were parks, and bike paths, as well as plenty of clubs- that Gia never wanted to do, but they were there.

On top of that, there were a lot of good shops, and a bustling city centre with so many facilities that you could always get what you needed.

Which is why I was able to get both Sage and Rider some eye tests for today, and added into the system at our gp.

This was a place I was happy to build a family.

"Dad, look what I drew,"

"Oh wow, that's awesome bud,"

"It's a rocket,"

"Would you like me to put it on the fridge?"


"I can put it on the fridge, so we can see it,"

"You want it on your fridge?"

"I want it on our fridge," I chuckled, putting it up with a magnet, "It's awesome,"

He stood watching it for a moment, then burst into tears, hugging me; I rubbed his back and placed a small kiss on his head, which only sent him down a larger spiral of tears.

"Rider, what's wrong?" Sage said.

"Dad put my drawing on the fridge, and he kissed my head,"

"Are they good tears?"

He nodded and hugged them instead, catching his breath.

"He's never had his photo on the fridge before," they said, wiping his tears, "Thank you,"

"Everything goes on the fridge! Certificates, photos, drawings, letters,"

He brushed his unkept hair from his face and Sage kissed his cheek, cupping his face.

"Shall we cut your hair?"


"What are you thinking?"

"I want it like dad's,"

"Oh- I don't know if I can do that,"

"That's what I want,"

"We can go to the barbers," I offered, "Sage can cut it shorter for now, then we can get it done,"

"I always do his hair,"

"Only because you had to," Rider sulked, "Please, Sage, I want it like dad's hair. Mine is too long, and his looks nice, and the boys at school will like me,"


"Can we go now?"

"We need to eat and go to the opticians buddy, but I will see when they can fit you in,"

"What do the opticians do?"

"They're going to check if you need glasses,"

He nodded and stayed in Sage's arms, looking up at his drawing on the fridge. It was small things like that which made my day- the things you didn't even think about that made people so happy.

I made all three of us sandwiches, then we sat at the table to eat, the pair of them together. Sage looked sad again today- lost, a little.

"Do you feel okay?" I asked, putting my hand on theirs; they pulled away and nodded.

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