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Everyone slept soundly that night, welcoming the weekend with joy. Gia more than the rest of us since she had been working all week, but the rest of us still felt the difference, and grasped it.

I was woken up in the morning by Gia getting into my bed, curling beside me with her toy. Then she proceeded to shake me, not realising I was awake, and giggled.

"Dad, Sage was clattering in the bathroom again,"

"They probably wanted some medicine," I said, kissing her head, "How are you?"


"Go and have some more sleep,"

"Your bed is so comfy,"

"Gia, angel, please don't sleep here,"

"I'm not, but I might accidentally,"

"Don't push your luck young lady," I said, kissing her head, "Would you like to do some baking today?"


"Sage might like to join in too,"

"They might want to be alone as well,"

"Maybe, but I am sure they will join in. How did you sleep?"

"Good. I like sharing my room,"

"That's really nice to hear!"

"Yesterday, after Rider ate, we came upstairs and I taught him about my braids because he wanted to know how I looked after them. Living with my best friend is so fun,"

Gently, I brushed my thumb on her cheek and then held her closely, squishing her a little. She giggled and wriggled her head out from my chest, then kissed my cheek and sighed.

"Can we have breakfast?"

"Let's wait a little bit and see who else wakes up,"

"Everyone is awake!"

"Oh, okay then. What do you fancy?"


"Why don't you round everyone up?"

Both of us got up, so I went downstairs and grabbed her some cereal. As I laid it on the table, I heard Sage shouting at Gia, then both her and Rider ran downstairs.

She swiped tears from her eyes and ran into my body, so I hugged her, hushing her.

Rider rubbed his eyes and rocked side to side, so I welcomed him into the hug as well.

"They told me to go away,"

"They don't want to see me," Rider cried, balling his hands into fists.

"I think they just want some time alone, because it's been a hard week. Sometimes being alone is really nice,"


"Because if you don't like playing lots, or being with new people, it can be overwhelming,"

He nodded and rested his head on Gia's shoulder, sniffling.

"I will go and talk to them in a moment, what would you like for breakfast?"

He continued to cry, and Gia pulled him into her arms.

"They never shout at me,"


"They're getting sadder and sadder every day,"

"Yeah," I said, feeling the back of my throat close up, "I am gonna help them,"

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