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"How is your new shirt?"

"It's not new, it's not old one,"

"Well, is it okay?"

"Yeah. No one else has this size,"

"Nobody else is you. Me and Ash have different sized scrubs, the same way me and you have different clothes! Everyone has different sized things,"


"You are so beautiful,"

She finished her breakfast and then took her plate to the sink, putting her lunch in her bag. I grabbed the sandwich for Rider, and then we put our shoes on to go.

In the car, she put her bag on her lap, and watched out the window, quietly humming to my music. Whatever I listened to, she listened to.

When we got to her school, I parked the car and joined her as she walked in, letting her take me to her classroom. While she put her things in the cloak room, I found her teacher and pulled them aside.

"Mr Hood, is everything okay?"

"Gia told me that her friend Rider had asked her for a sandwich, so I made one, but I wanted to make sure it definitely arrived,"

"Oh! Thank you for this, I did ring home but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry,"

"The things Gia said, they worry me. Is he okay?"

"He hasn't come to me with any concerns, the pair of then get along so well. She adores him,"

"Well that's good to hear. I should head off now, have a good day,"

"You too,"


"Have a good day angel,"

"Did she take the sandwich?"

"She did. I'll see you after school, okay?"


"I love you,"

"I love you too,"


Cutting the thread, I studied the stitches I had given and then smiled reassuringly, giving them a high five. It was an easy end to the day, and they were a very content patient once I found a book for their dad to read them.

Gratuitously, they accepted the sticker, probably eager to leave the confining walls of the hospital, and I discharged them. I wrote up my notes, and then headed down to find Luke, catching him as he grabbed his bag.

"Hey man,"

"Do you need me to take Gia?"

"No, it's all good thanks. I just need to grab my stuff and then I'm getting her,"

"Can I tag along?"

"Of course, she'd love that,"

He tagged along as I got my bag, and then we both got in our cars and he followed me. Luke was the most perfect guardian for Gia, sometimes I felt he was more suited to her than me. He was always gentle, he managed to speak in a way that she consistently understood, and connected with, and she always valued what he had to say.

Out of everyone other than me, I believed she felt safest with Luke. The pair of them got along so well.

Both of us parked down the road and got out, heading through the gates. While Luke was dressed smartly like the English teacher he was, I was in my scrubs looking like a mess after the long day. I think we could both guess who she was going to come to first.

Or, who she would go to on a normal day, when she didn't run out of school towards me in tears.

"What's wrong angel?" I said, crouching down to hug her, "What's wrong?"

"Rider is moving away tomorrow morning,"

"Oh sweetheart,"

"He's leaving,"

"I am so sorry. Did you get to say goodbye?"


"I am so sorry angel, I know it really hurts,"

She broke into more sobs and Luke gently rubbed her back, welcoming her into his arms when she switched from me to him.

"Why don't we take you back home and do something fun instead?" he said, "Maybe I could stay?"

Nodding, she wiped her tears and sniffed, her lip quivering. Clearly Rider was special to her, and had been for a while now. The sudden move did make alarm bells ring in my head, too, but I had to trust that the school was looking out for him after I had alerted them, because I had no clue who his family were nor what the situation was.

As she got in the car, she started to cry again, so I kissed her cheek and gave her another hug, rubbing her arm. Moving away, or having people move away, sucked.

"Do you know where he is going?"

"I don't ,"

"Maybe we can find out, somehow,"

"I have almost no friends now,"

"You can make some," I sighed, "But that doesn't mean you can't upset,"

"I am very upset,"

"We can have a big cuddle later,"

"Thank you,"

"Luke doesn't have to stay if you don't want,"

"I do,"

We got home and I parked in the drive, Luke on the path outside, and we all went inside. He kept her company while I had a quick shower and changed into more suitable clothes, then I came back down to them both sharing some raisins together.

I loved them both dearly, and my heart warmed as the sight of Gia's smile.

"Luke told me a funny story,"

"Oh right,"

"About you,"

"Now I'm intrigued,"

"That Ashton drew on your face while you slept,"

"He did indeed... multiple times!"

"That's silly,"

"It is, isn't it?" I chuckled, "Luke needs to stop sharing my secrets!"

"He should tell me more,"

"Alright. Once your dad had a little bit too much to drink, and he accidentally squashed a fly, and he started crying,"

She erupted in giggles, contagious ones too, and we all ended up laughing.

"You don't drink alcohol now, do you?"

"I don't,"

None of us did. We had our fair share of partying as youngsters, but now we had all settled down and didn't care for it anymore. Besides, I had Gia. Drinking around her would never go down well, and I vowed to protect her in every way possible.

Sometimes that meant disagreements, a lot of them at first, but for now we were steady, and we got along.

"I like having another person in the house,"

"That's another way of saying, dad, please can you find me a sister,"


"I think we need to give it some more time, okay?"


"Hey, it's not a no,"

"It is,"

"We need to wait for the right time. Someone will come to us when we are ready,"

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