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Hermione immediately turned away from her, continuing to put the books away. "So what if I have? I'm not telling you who it is, it's a surprise."

Athena narrowed her eyes at the girl, before leaning over to whisper something to Harry. "I bet you she panicked and chose a terrible dude, probably McLaggen to make Ron jealous."

"Why McLaggen?" Harry turned to Athena, a confused look on his face.

Athena deadpanned at this. "Are you daft or something? The boy fancies her!"

Harry's mouth opened to make an 'o' shape, realisation hitting in.

Athena just swatted the boy's head, following after to the brunette who was now in the next aisle. "Hey now that reminds me, who've you asked out Fi? Surely you're not going by yourself."

Athena shook her head at Hermione. "Having a date is kind of mandatory... I would go there without a date, but Sluggy wants all attendants to have a plus one."

"Do you have anyone in mind?"

Athena grinned. "Of course, just haven't had the time to ask her yet."

"It's a her?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Obviously." Athena scoffed, grinning afterwards. "She's a lad from Ravenclaw. Those in Eagles are hot."

Hermione then let out a quiet laugh. "You better step up your game Harry or else Athena will take all available ladies away from you~"

Athena laughed loudly, earning looks from others and a warning look from Madam Pince. Athena just shook it off with an innocent smile. Harry on the other hand had his eyes widened at the statement. "Not true! I have loads of girls after me!"

"Liar." Athena smirked.

"She's right. You only have one." Hermione stated, leaning on one side of the aisle desks.

"Not true, I have loa- I do?"

Athena looked like she was about to burst out laughing, Hermione putting her hand over the other girl's mouth. "You see that girl over there?" Hermione nudged her head towards the girl over at the far end. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion."

Athena's eyes widened and brows raised at this, thinking that the said fact was a funny joke.

Harry believed it, his eyes widening in shock. "Really?"

Hermione snapped her fingers at the boy - who was now staring at the previously mentioned girl. "Hey! She's only interested in you cause she thinks you're the chosen one."

Harry smiled goofily. "But I am the chosen one." This earned him a smack on the head by Hermione's parchment. Hermione had now let go of the taller girl, Athena dropping down to the floor as she let out silent laughs. "Alright um- sorry, kidding. I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool."


Athena groaned, flopping down onto the couch located at the Gryffindor common room as Harry followed behind her, staring at the girl with a smirk on his face. "I can't believe I have to go with you! Stupid bloody sickness! If it weren't for her bloody cold I would be going with Kiyoko!"

Hermione - who was sitting on one of the arm chairs - had placed down her book, staring at her friend weirdly. "What happened?"

"The girl that Athena was going to ask out, Kiyoko, caught a bad cold, meaning she would have to stay in the hospital wing the whole weekend."

"And this means I would have to go with Harry now." Athena muttered loudly through the pillow.

"Hey, who says I haven't got a date yet?" Harry asked, crossing his arms.

Athena lifted her head up to stare blankly at the boy.

Harry looked away. "You're right I haven't got one."

"Hey but at least you both have someone to go with to his dinner party, meaning you'll be allowed in!"

Athena switched her body around, now staring at the ceiling blankly as her hands were placed at her sides. "Do you think I can somehow change Old Sluggy's mind about the date thing?"

"Do it. I'll give you twenty galleons to do so." Harry looked at her.

"Just go together. Stop complaining. Besides, it's not like you'll have to do any lovey-"

Athena got up, looking as if she was about to vomit as Harry had stumbled as if he was about to faint. "That's my cue to leave." The dark haired girl fake gagged, as Harry was now on the floor, looking lifeless.

Hermione sighed, opening her book back up. "These two are so dramatic."

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✓ | 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒; avengers x harry potterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora