Dick-Chris Evans

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Ok so I have four Chris Evans books out and this is something I've thought about. So I'm going to write it. If you have a Steve, Bucky, Chris, Sebastian, Stucky, or Winterwidow request I will write it. They are my top three favorite people.

"Ugh! Why do I have to go?!" I asked my mom while she was doing my hair. "Because you only get one prom, Honey." She said. "Yeah, but I'm going to be a third wheel. Chris asked Veronica to the dance." I told her. "That doesn't matter. He's still your best friend. He wants you there with him." She shook her head. "Fine!" I said.

I HATE SCHOOL DANCES. Especially the naming prom King and Queen. It's just a stupid vote that says who the most popular girl in school is. And that girl would be... Veronica.

Veronica is definitely the most popular. She recently broke up with her on and off boyfriend Vincent. So Chris took his shot. And as much as I thought she would shut him down before he got the chance.. she said yes. When Chris came back and told me what she said my mouth actually dropped. Chris is my best friend and always will be but I thought it would just be two of us like it's been since we were in the second grade.

I put on my dress and looked in the mirror. "You look beautiful, Honey." My Mom stood behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. "Thanks. Now let's go be a third wheel." I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and got out of my room.

You see the truth is I really like Chris. He's the nicest guy you will meet and always puts others first. Sometimes he's a sad sack of shit but you learn to deal with it. And other times his anxiety gets high so he grabs a pen and starts writing on my hand and arm. He does it so he can ground himself from wandering through the things that could go wrong in his head. But all those weird, quirky, and flaws about him make him who he is. And I wouldn't change him.

"Y/n! Chris is here!" My Dad yelled to me. I took a deep breath and put on my necklace Chris got me. It's just a little star gold necklace. When me and Chris met we were drawing what you see when you look at the stars. I grabbed my small purse and I walked out ready to watch Chris have fun with his date.

I walked down the stairs and Chris's eyes couldn't be removed from me.

I walked down the stairs and Chris's eyes couldn't be removed from me

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"Alightly keep it in your pants, Evans." I rolled my eyes. "You look amazing, Y/n/n." He smiled. "Thanks. You look good too." I smiled. "Alright I need a picture." My Mom grabbed her phone. I groaned and Chris put an arm around my shoulders chuckling at my complaining.

After a few pictures we left to pick up the dic- Veronica. They took some pictures and walked out. "Oh what the fuck?" I asked myself.

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