Soulmate AU-Steve Part One

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This will have a few parts. I'm not sure how many thought yet. 

Warnings: None. This takes place after Endgame and they found a way to bring back Tony and Natasha. It's hard writing without them in it. 

Background on character: She goes to UCLA and plays softball. (Sorry i'm a softball player. I love the game with all my heart.) Her team goes to New York for a game. She can't see color because she hasn't made eye contact with her soulmate yet. Also, she's a bigger woman. 5'11, thick thighs, big hips, small waist, stomach that sticks out, and b cup boobs. 

I decided to go on a run this morning before i had to get everything ready for my game later. Sadly, we weren't close to Central Park so i couldn't run there. We were kinda on the out skirts of town so i had my pepper spray in my pocket. Wasn't the best neighborhood if you know what i mean. 

I had my earbuds in just jogging down the sidewalk looking around me. I heard a loud bang and i took out an earbud. I slowed down and started looking around. I turned a corner to look in a warehouse and people were fighting. 

Someone turned to me and pointed a gun at me. I just froze like my life was ending and i couldn't do anything. He shot the gun and closed my eyes but i never felt pain on my body. All i felt was someone wrap their arm around me holding me close. 

I opened my eyes and was met with beautiful ocean blue eyes. I looked at the mans face and it was Captain Fucking America. He's looks a little different because it's been a while since I've seen him in color. But i could see color again. Captain America is my soulmate. 

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah i'm okay." I answered. I could tell he was surprised and he could definitely tell i was. "Run. Get out of here." He told me. I just nodded and ran off the way i came. 

I got about four blocks away and started getting out of breath. I stopped and put my back against the wall. I caught my breath and replayed the last minute in my head. There has to be some sort of mistake. There's no way in hell Steve Rogers is my soulmate. 

I walked back to my hotel thinking about this. I made it back to my hotel room and flopped down on my bed. "What's wrong? Did someone try something?" My best friend y/b/f/n asked me. 

We've known each other for years. Were both seniors in college but we also went to the same high school. We both have been playing softball since we were little girls and clicked immediately. 

"No one tried anything. But your new hair really suits you." I said. "YOU CAN SEE COLOR!?" She yelled at me. "Yeah. But i don't think it's right. There has to be some sort of mistake." I sat up looking at her. "There's no mistake with these things. So, how'd this happen? Who?" She got really excited like a child being told their family is going to Disneyland. 

"Well, i just went for my run. I heard this loud bang over my music so i took one out just in case. I turned the corner and looked inside this warehouse and the Avengers were fighting some people. This guy pointed his gun to me and it went off. But i was never hit by it. That's because Captain America shielded me from it. And then i looked in his eyes and i could see color again." I told her and her mouth was open after. "CAPTAIN AMERICA IS YOU'RE SOULMATE!" She screamed. 

"Woah, what makes you say that?" Layla asked. Layla, Allison, and Maya walked into our room. I told them the story as well and we were totally shocked. 

After talking about it a little more we had to get ready for our game. The girls left besides y/b/f/n because we had to share a room. We went downstairs to the lobby and got everything in the bus and took off the field. 

Steve's POV: 

After the mission at that warehouse and finding my soulmate we went back to the compound. I changed out of my suit and went to the lab to find Tony, Bruce, Bucky, and Natasha in the lab. Tony was working on his suit, Bruce was helping Bucky with his arm, and Natasha was fixing her suits com. 

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