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I know I said this was a Steve and Bucky book. But my bisexual ass loves Natasha too.

I slowly woke up to the light shining right on my face. I groaned and moved my hand. I opened my eyes and Bucky wasn't in front of me. I turned to look over my side and Natasha wasn't there either. "Natasha? Buck?" I said quietly worried they left. I don't like being away from them.

I have separation anxiety. And it's the worst it's ever been with them. A lot of people make fun of me because of it. "Oh? You can't have them away from you. Stop being clinging let them live their lives."

I have it because my mom left me at a park when I was eight. I had to find my own way home. My dad didn't even notice I was home so late since he was drunk. He found the divorce papers the next morning. And decided to take it out on me. He kept beating me till I was 18 when I moved out. When I joined SHIELD I had a few friends. I tried to spend most of my time with them when I was off because of the anxiety people are just going to leave me. But they ended up hating my anxiety too so I shut everyone out. Until Natasha and Bucky came along.

They pulled me out of my dark times. I started opening up to the team and they became my best friends. They all understand my anxiety because some of them have it too. When they need Natasha and Bucky for a mission they make sure I'm not home alone.

But truth is Natasha and Bucky have separation anxiety too. Natasha has had countless people leave her when she was in the red room. And Bucky lost his family, friends, Steve, and even himself for a long time.

The bathroom door opened and Natasha came rushing out. "I'm here. I'm here, Baby." She got on the bed and straddled my legs. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders pulling me to her chest and I put my arms around her waist.

"Shh. You're okay. I'm here. I just went to the bathroom." She cooed in my ear. I started to slow my breathing down. "I've got you, moya lyubov." She kissed the top of my head. I looked up at her and she wiped some of my tears away. "Where's Buck?" I asked. "He's on his run. He always leaves early so he can run and then come and shower before getting back in bed with us." She told me and I nodded.

We laid down and waited for Bucky to get home. He walked in the door and still had his headphones in. He walked in the bathroom not even looking over at us and I just looked at Natasha. She just smiled and we started laughing.

The door and opened and Bucky looked in. "What are you doing up? You're never up this early, Dolls." Bucky walked over. "Actually, i am. I just fall back asleep before you come home." Natasha told him. "Y/n?" He asked. "I don't know. My body just woke me up. And no one was in bed with me." I shrugged and looked down. "Okay. Nothings wrong?" I shook my head looking up at him with a small smile. "Good. I'm gonna shower then we can stay in bed all day. How's that sound, Dames?" "Sounds good, Handsome." Natasha said. He leaned down giving Natasha a kiss then me.

Bucky showered and as promised got right in bed. He pulled me to his chest and started peppering my face with kisses. I couldn't help but start giggling. He finally stopped and i buried my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close. 

This is definitely some of my favorite times i have with them. Bucky and Natasha are both very dominant. And i'm definitely the most submissive out of us. Which is fine because sometimes they like to just have me hold them in my arms. 

Like after a long hard mission Bucky won't say a damn word to anyone. If i'm watching a show with the rest of the team he'll just walk over and straddle my lap. Resting his head in the crook of my neck with his arms wrapped around my waist. Nobody even looks at either of them when they do it. Or when i do it. 

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