The Truth-Stucky

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Steve's POV: 

"You want to do what?!" Tony yelled. "We need her help." I said. "You want to take the woman that you and Cyborg fell for and then found out she was working for HYDRA, out of the Raft?" Tony asked. "Yes. We need to know where the rest of their bases are and we can't find any. Why wouldn't she know where some are?" Bucky said. 

"Fine! But i swear to god if we lose her or you three run off into the sunset together i'm going to kill the three of you." Tony warned walking out of the room. "I'll call Calvin and let him know we're coming." Clint said getting up from his chair. 

Y/n's POV:

They're coming for you. If you go with them and tell us where they are... we'll set you free. 

My eyes shot open with those words ringing through my ears. I sat up and brought my hands to my face. I rubbed my face and sighed. The voice has never been wrong before, why would it be now. It'll be the first time seeing them in four months. I've stopped asking to see them because no matter how many times i begged no one listened. 

Why not give a little background. I'm a very close friend of Natasha's. So i was there for New York and finding the Winter Soldier. After Ultron and finding Bucky and running away because of his past me, Steve, and Bucky fell in love while on the run. We were together for a little over a year and in love. It was a little different for the boys because they have been together since the 40's. Once HYDRA came back and found i was hiding with SHIELD they leaked my secret. 

The truth is i never worked for HYDRA. My father worked for them but he died. My mother died during childbirth. So i had no one. But HYDRA took me and i was there test subject. I can't even tell you the amount of things they did to me. I have the super soldier serum and other powers they tested on me. I don't have any scars on my body from the experiments because of the serum so no one knew. 

I ran away from HYDRA and found SHIELD. The only person who knows my secret is Fury. But he died a few months ago before they found out. I've tried to reach anyone so i could explain myself... but no one wanted to ever see my face again. The only family I've ever known, besides my father, couldn't look at me. Fury a man i saw as a father figure died the only person knowing my secret. 

I heard the door open and heard three people come in. The door closed and it was still silent. "Why are you here? You made it clear you never wanted to see me again." I said without looking from the spot on my ceiling. "We need your help." Steve said in his captain voice. 

There was difference from his normal voice and the voice he used when he means business. When he uses his captain voice his voice gets a little deeper and makes sure everything he says comes out clear. 

"And why would i help you?" I asked moving my legs over the edge. I cocked my head to side when i felt a shock of electricity on my neck. "You don't have to. But we'll be willing to cut a deal with you for information." Bucky told me. 

I stood up showing me in my blue jumpsuit with a big collar around my neck. They put it on so they could shock me in case i did something. It also had a poison that they could stick in my neck at any time killing in within seconds. 

"Fine. I want out of here. I'll go anywhere besides a prison of any sort. And if you take me to the compound i get a room, not a cell. Then and only then, i will give you any and all information i have about the bases." I said. "How'd you know about the bases?" Steve asked. "What else would you need me for. Most of your missions have had something to do with taking down HYDRA. And well... i'm your only source of information." I raised an eyebrow. 

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