Fuck People-Part Two

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Warnings: Smut

Steve's POV:

I got out of class and made my way to the cafeteria for lunch. Today's Friday so Tony's step dad buys all of us pizza. Which has been so much better with Y/n there.

Why is because I love her, still haven't told her. And she's the only one out of everybody that likes pineapple on pizza with me. So when they order pizza me and Y/n share a Hawaiian pizza. (Don't fight me but I love pineapple on pizza. It's so good 🥰)

"Hey, assholes." I said sitting down in my usual spot. "Dick." Tony muttered. "Whatever. Where's Y/n?" I asked. "Oh, she said she needed to get something from her locker." Bucky answered. 

"Damn it, Buck. Where's our pizza?" I questioned standing up putting backpack back on. "Here. What's wrong?" Clint handed me a pizza box. "She always has everything in her bag. Nothing is in her locker. Did something happen in English today?" I looked at Bucky. 

"Yeah. She told me when she went to the bathroom she over heard some girls talking about her." Bucky told me and took a bite of pizza. "I knew something was up when she came back. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said waving. "Bye." They all said and went back to talking.

I made my way outside I knew exactly where she is. She's at the softball fields. It's the one spot she feels safe. It's the one spot that didn't care what she looked like, only who she was and the person she worked to become. It's like when I go to the football field and just think because it's a place where I feel myself.

I walked to the softball field and saw Y/n sitting on the bleachers with her head in her hands. Her body was slightly moving like she was crying.

I started walking up the steps and she turned her head away. I set the box down on the seat behind her and set my bag down. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She grabbed onto my arms and continued crying. I kissed the side of her head and just stayed there.

After just holding her and letting her cry for a minute she turned he head to me. I kissed her forehead and she moved her arms around my waist and hid her face in my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "Baby you have nothing to be sorry for. You can't control what people say to you." "Wait, what? I haven't even told you yet." She moved her head up to look at me. "Buck told me. He said you needed to get something from your locker but I know nothing is in there. I asked if you said anything and he told me you overheard some girls talking about you. Do you know it was talking anyway?" I asked her.

"Who do think was talking the most shit about our relationship?" She gave me the look of knowing. "I'll deal with her. I know you hate her." I sighed and wiped her tears away. "You're damn right I hate Sharon. Even before our relationship she always made fun of me and called me names. She's a bitch who deserves to be put in her bitchy place." Y/n snapped.

"First, language. Second, get her out of that pretty head of yours. For some other guys she might be prettier but I care about the inside more. And I know I sound like a hypocrite because I dated her but I realized that I could do so much better. And know I'm in a better relationship. So can we put this in the past and go home please?" I begged.

"We have one class left." She pointed out. "I know that. The free sixth period is nice to get out early but I want to go home now and spend time with you so let's go. I know you're passing every class with flying colors so you can skip for today." I stood up holding out my hand. "Fine. But what class are you missing then?" She asked. "Math." I said blankly. 

"You're failing that class!" She hit my chest. "I know. But that's why you're tutoring me. So let's go, please." I gave her my puppy dog eyes. Which she can never resist them. "I fucking hate those eyes." She groaned grabbing her backpack. "You love my eyes. You can never resist them!" I yelled and grabbed the pizza box.

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