"Do you remember during our fight when I said I liked you back?"

Mirren remembered that instantly. It was the only good thing that came out of that incident though the beastman couldn't be so sure about that.

"I do."

"I like you a little bit more than what a friend should feel," Niven said. Mirren's breath hitched. "But it's not really enough to match what you feel towards me. To be honest, I was highly doubtful you liked me in the way the others did since all you ever did was sleep around with others. I still am a bit suspicious."

"I don't talk to anyone else other than you," Mirren hurriedly said. "You know that. I don't even like staying away from you, let alone allow you to be with others... as you've clearly seen. I know you don't think I've changed, but that's okay. I-I'll keep trying, just give me a chance like the others. I can prove it."

"I don't think you need to prove it from what I've seen. It's just that I still don't really know what I'm doing. I can't even put a label on what my relationship with the others are and I feel bad about that. They're probably... gonna get tired of waiting for me so I'm a little scared of that happening."

"You know that won't happen, right?"

Mirren was incredibly doubtful anyone would get tired of Niven. He already heard from Remiah just a while ago that Levi and Simeon began courting the boy and Niven hadn't refused.

He was stunned at the information at first, but he shouldn't have been surprised. Mirren had seen just how devoted those twins were to Niven, and it wasn't like the blond didn't act the same way. They had somewhat of a mutual obsession with each other, it's just that Niven's intentions with the twins were much more pure than the feelings the Royals harbored for him.

And although it didn't seem like it at times, Arien was highly possessive over the boy and wouldn't dare to let him out of his sights. It was just that their alpha put up a good facade and wouldn't want to get back in Niven's bad side, so Arien would rather let the boy do whatever he wanted as long as he kept a keen eye on him. Which was why Grim was there as well.

Silas would never stop scheming for his own benefit if it meant he could keep Niven close to him, that was why Mirren and Agustine ended up being detained. The same thing could be said for Agustine if he wasn't such a coward the majority of the time.

His jealous tendencies were overwhelming and he didn't want to be apart from Niven. And even though Silas schemed against his brother, Mirren could tell Agustine didn't come to hate the angel completely. It seemed like the demon loathed another's existence, Mirren just didn't know who it was.

Niven only had an inkling of what the others felt for him so that's why he didn't think they'd strongly oppose being separated from the boy. They kept their vain thoughts hidden and the excessive needs to fully monopolize him in secret. They wanted to have the image of perfect lovers.

"Mirren, I didn't like you at first."

Mirren found himself dumbfounded at that little confession, yet Niven kept grinning at him.

"To be honest, you were very annoying. I didn't like how you kept following me around and poking your nose in my business. I also couldn't talk very well since I kept stumbling over my words because I was too nervous to say anything back to you. But then I got really used to you being my classmate... and I considered you as my first friend here at the academy."

Mirren's cheeks turned red when he remembered how they met. He really was nosy, wasn't he? He even followed Niven all the way to the bathroom once because he thought it was funny to see the boy's reaction.

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