_____ smiled watching him squirm around as he cried during the whole process.

Katsuki hated it.

After a few minutes the nurse brought him back and hands him to Katsuki.

"Everything looks good. You may be able to leave by tomorrow afternoon if he passes the car test. Also make sure to feed him in a few minutes." The nurse said as they nod watching her walk out.

Katsuki looked down at the pouting baby in his hands.

He sat down next to _____ as she leaned against Katsuki and wiped Kiyoto's cheeks.

Kiyoto looked at his parents with his big red eyes.

He didn't cry anymore just looking at his mother and father.

She smiled taking him from Katsuki. "I can't believe you're already out and so big! How dare you come out looking like your father and not an ounce of me.." ____ said to him as Kiyoto giggled at her expression.

Katsuki smiled at them.

_____ kissed his cheek multiple times causing him to laugh, Katsuki just dying inside being so in love with his laughs.

_____ smiled hugging him as she looked at Katsuki.

"Looks like we need to buy a little suit for him for our wedding." _____ said as Katsuki nods.

Kiyoto looking up at his father a smile on his face as Katsuki smiled back cherishing his cheek with his index finger.

"You should feed him." Katsuki said.

"I just put on my shirt.." ____ whined as he smiled helping her take half of it off just so she can expose a breast. Kiyoto looked at it immediately knowing he would get food as he already had his mouth open as she smiled letting him latched on.

______ leans her head onto Katsuki's shoulder watching Kiyoto eat.

It was a precious moment for the family. Just being together..just the three of them.

Kiyoto was attached to _____ on their way home.

He didn't like his car seat so she had to sit in the back with him.

She smiled down at him and rests her hand on his body.

Katsuki got into the drivers seat looking back at her.

"Is he good? Are you ready?" He asked as she nods to him.

______ just played with Kiyoto to distract him from the car starting as he nibbles on his mother's finger.

She smiled as Katsuki checked the mirror seeing her smile.

He smiled just driving home finally.

When they get there Katsuki was careful with carrying Kiyoto in the baby carrier.

_____ opened the door as they walked in.

She stretched her arms.

"It feels nice to be back." She said as Katsuki kissed her cheek before moving to the baby room.

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