George looked around the school for something to start a conversation. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a particular room with long, wooden doors. On the doors, were sign-up papers. He left Dream's side and almost skipped over to the door.

'Band sign up here.' It stated on the door.

"Hey, Dream?"


"I kinda wanna sign up." George eyed Dream from the side in hopes to catch his reaction, he was chuckling,

"Are you a band kid?" Dream asked, wheezing shortly after. George groaned in response,

"Whys that the first thing everyone asks when I wanna sign up, it's not a bad thing. You're just jealous i'm talented and your not." He proceed to roll his eyes. Dream just continued to laugh at him,

"Maybe 'cause that's what people in band are," He replied sarcastically, "do you even know how to play any instruments?"

"Yeah, I was forced into three when I was ten."


He shrugged before answering, "My parents wanted me to be good at something."

"What is it you play exactly?"

"Drums, piano, and electric guitar."

"Prove it."Dream simply stated, but George just scoffed like Dream was an idiot,

"Do you expect me to just pull out a whole drum set out my ass?" George made sure that sounded sarcastic. He wouldn't ever want to hurt the blonde, and he hoped Dream felt the same. As George thought about the topic more, he realized how attached he'd become to the boy after only a week or two. He was so love-struck. He was embarrassed for some reason about how much an impact the boy had made in his life. No one had ever made more of an impact other than Dream.

"Hellooo??" Dream waved a hand in front of George, causing him to slowly realize his surroundings once again.

He widened his eyes as he realized how lost in through he had been,

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was saying, I bet the teachers inside and you can go grab a paper or something to sign up."

"Okay, come with me then." He gestured,


"Won't you sign up with me?"

Dream thought about it for a few seconds, nothing was stopping him. He opened his mouth to answer, quickly closing it up again. He forgot Leo did drums. In this band class.

"Uh, I'm not sure about that." He finally answered, scratching the back of his head,

"Why, what's wrong?" George seemed genuinely concerned,

"Leo's in this class." He got straight to the point, not wanted to make a big deal out of it.

"Oh, well I'm here right?"

"Right?" Dream raised an eyebrow.

"So, forget about Leo, I'm here to replace him."

'To replace him' Dream said it over in his head. He definitely had feelings for George, but he didn't want to take it fast. He wasn't even sure if he was completely over Leo. He told himself he was, but he's just straight out lying to himself. If he saw Leo on a daily basis for an hour or two, he would end up hurting George's feelings, and he knew that. But he didn't wanna admit it. He would try his hardest to avoid Leo at all costs during the school day, just so he wouldn't completely gain back feelings.

"Fine." Dream blurted out before he could stop himself. In response, George wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck while going on his tippy toes just the slightest bit, and proceeded to kiss his cheek.

Dream tensed up, not expecting the sudden touch. There was no saying "wait actually never mind," now. George gazed back up at Dream before nuzzling his face into his neck. Dream just gave a warm smile, not knowing what to exactly do.

George finally took his face out of the boy's neck a few seconds later, "Alright, let's head inside.

They pushed open the long wood doors to a room deprived of people, except for the man at his desk.

"Hi, Mr. Slimecicle, me and my friend George are here to sign up if that's possible?" Dream spoke up for once, the teacher seemed carefree.  George noticed his feet that sat on his desk while he sucked on a green lollipop.

"Well now, who's this handsome fella?"

"He's a new student here from England."

"Nice to meet you," he stopped realizing he hadn't learned George's name yet,

"George!" George offered a smile,

"Nice to meet you, George, dap me up!" He stood up from his seat, George noticed where this was going and dabbed him up. They threw into a fit of laughter, eventually calming down though.

"Ah so, the sign-up papers, of course, just one second, LEO!!" He called out, both George and Dream's eyes widened. Why was Leo here?

The one and only, Leo walked out from what seemed to be a spare room, walking out confidently. His eyes were on the ground while he ruffled with his fluffy black hair. Once he eventually looked up, seeing Dream, he put a mischievous smile on his face.

"Leo, could you grab me the sign-up papers for Dream and our new student George?"

"Of course Mr. Slimecicle!"

George gave Leo a dirty look, he was taller than George but that didn't scare him. What scared him, was Leo taking back Dream.



agh im sorry i didn't write messages in the conversation thingy. i haven't been really doing good in the past 2 weeks but i'm trying my hardest, i owe it all to blue for motivating me to actually get out of bed. so thank them for this chapter ((: <3333

anyways, have you guys been staying hydrated while i've been gone? if not make sure you're now, go grab a glass of water right now if you're up to it or before you go to bed!! i love you all so much with all my heart and i appreciate how understanding you guys are with my break and my unmotivation to write. i was actually thinking about stopping writing completely during my break but i'd never want to let you guys down, also unfinished books can be annoying so i'd never want to do that to you guys. also if you aren't having a good day or anything, my dms are always open. i promise you i will try my hardest to get back to you as fast as i can!!

butttt i hope you guys have a greatttttt rest of your day/night! and if you're going to bed, sleep well love<3

(lmk if i forgot any TW's and please don't be afraid to point out typos!)

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