Start from the beginning

"wait- huh?" Tommy says, finally processing what I had said.

"Uhh- well... It's, like, the only time you can come over... And plus, if you want... I think my parents can drop you off..." I tell him.

I don't even know why I'm still trying. There's no reason for him to come over at 6. Especially at 6. He could come over earlier... but maybe it's because I want to clean the house first before he gets here....

...if he does decide to show up, that is.

"...So- six, right?" Tommy spoke up.

"Yeah- yeah" I confirmed.

"Alright." Tommy says, "See you then, Y/N"

"I- uhh... yeah. cya..." I muttered out.

As soon as I hung up with him, I literally flopped face first onto my newly made bed.

'What the fuck have I just gotten myself into' I asked myself.

By all means- I like hanging out with Tom. But I never would've thought that he'd be over and at my house--- especially in these times.

The situation made me a little... anxcious? Like- fuck. I'm about to have a popular streamer over at my house. An annoyingly cute guy who millions of people watch.

How did I get here? How did me fighting Dream lead to his?

I contemplated for the longest time about what to do.
Like- should I clean the house more? should I make something to eat for the two of us? should I change into something.... cuter?

Oh god- I think I might throw up. Am I actually thinking that I could be cute to him?

Well... Never thought I'd see the day... But- I must call the one person who knows how to be and look cute.

I went back on my phone again and scrolled down in my contacts to find the girl that would help me with all my problems.

As soon as I pressed the dial button, the ring sounded out through my room. I waited patiently- and after a few seconds, Luca answered.



"OWW-- What?? Why are you yelling? My ears, Y/N..." Luca started to whine, dropping her phone back onto her bed, allowing me too see her bedroom ceiling.

"Oh shit- sorry-- but... please. Help me." I ask of her.

"What happened? What did you do?" She questions me, a little worried.

"So- I invited Tommy over to my house as a joke- right?" I say.

Her eyes widen and her mouth dropped, curving into a smile shortly after.
"Oh shit-" Luca began to laugh, "Okay, okay... I think I get it now..."

"Yeahh..." I murmured, "Anyways... You have any advice on clothes to wear?"

There was a long pause. Luca just stared at me, pretty dumbfounded on my question.

"...You're getting clothes advice- from me?"

"You wear more normal clothes than me. And- out of the two of us... I was more of a street rat." I said, getting up from my bed and walking over to my drawers, "Luca- just tell me what I should wear"

"I mean- I'll try, but no guaranteed that my advice will help..." Luca mutters out.

I placed my phone against the wall to face me, then I started to rummage through my drawers and displaying different outfits to Luca.

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now