
"Of course."

Simeon relaxed a little. He could tell the tension in his little brother's voice was dying down.

"You think I'm mistaken, Simeon?"

"Well... the idea sounds crazy, doesn't it?"

Niven's gaze turned even more icy than before, yet the blond kept a small grin. "I see... then I'll be off."

Levi lifted his head and panicked for a second. "W-Wait, where are you going?"

"Away from you two." Niven didn't beat around the bush. "I came here for a small chat with you two, though it seems I won't be getting that since you two keep lying. I'm not that stupid, don't even think you've fooled me."

Niven stood up and slowly fixed his tie without giving his brothers another glance. He didn't really care about Simeon getting up to his feet to prevent the boy from leaving, or how Levi kept trying to make up excuses for Niven to stay.

"There's really nothing else for me to say. I'll just be wasting my time here."

"Niven, please wait. Don't go." Niven avoided Simeon's hand reaching out to him.

"What would we even do if I stayed? Pretend we're brothers again? If that makes you sleep at night then sure, I'll play pretend."

Simeon's fear worsened as he tried reaching out to Niven again. "Don't go. You just started talking to us again. Please, don't leave."

"Then just tell me the truth. Do you love me?"

The twins knew exactly what Niven was talking about and feared that if they confessed, Niven would look at them in complete disgust and would never want to be with them again. If Levi or Simeon lied, he'd just figure it out in an instant and leave them behind. Either way, they were at a dead end with no other way to save themselves.

Not even Levi's visions predicted this exact moment so the dark haired male was completely clueless on what to do.

But while Levi was adamant on not saying a word, Simeon recalled back to the past and achingly thought of how much he longed for a sliver of a chance to be with this boy. He had grown so spiteful in knowing Arien and Silas received his favor that it made him boil over with envy and hatred.

If Simeon had known things would be like this in the end then he should have never stayed silent all these years, thinking there was a possibility for him and Levi. Now, there was none.

They never had a chance from the beginning.

Aggrieved, Simeon spat out, "I'd die just for you to look at me the way you do to Arien and Silas. It's not... i-it's not fucking fair that Levi and I had to wait for more than a decade for you to love us. We've done everything just for you to even look in our direction!"

Levi grabbed onto Simeon's arm and desperately pulled him back. "Brother, please-"

His twin yanked his arm away and kept on ranting out his grievances nonstop.

"In order to stay with you, we worked hard so Lord Uriel would be satisfied. Yet, we were never enough for him. We were berated by your father, the servants back home wouldn't bat an eye at us being abused, and no one in this hellhole would care if we suddenly fell from the top! Because you were always sick, I've always been afraid of you going out so I tried my best to keep you inside yet you're here. You're here with us and suddenly, it's like you don't even need us anymore since you've got the student council!"

Niven stood unflinching at Simeon yelling. He also took a quick peek at Levi, finding the male completely on the verge of a breakdown.

"We bled for you, we fought to keep your place safe, we took care of you for years—now you don't want us? Fuck, I'd still kill just for you to give me a fraction of your attention!" Simeon finally reached Niven and grasped his shoulders.

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