Chapter 39: Departure

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As Seren and Pico walked down the road, Seren thought about his next move. His first thought was to find Rem, however he had no clue where she was. He continued pondering when he felt a presence behind him. He turned to see a red hair man with a sword at his hip.

Seren: Reinhard.

Reinhard aproached Seren. His face had a friendly look, but caution could still be seen as well.

Reinhard: Hello Seren, I've come because many residents of the capital, myself included noticed a fiery explosion coming from here. Would you happen to know something about that?

Seren: Yeah I would. I was in a big fight with this guy named Cecilus and I kinda went all out.

Reinhard. Cecilus!? You mean Cecilus Segment?!

Seren: Yeah. He ran away but I put up a pretty good fight.

Reinhard: ...

Seren: Something wrong?

Reinhard: Could you tell me which direction you saw him head in?

Seren: Yeah... he went... uhhh.

Seren scrambled to remember which direction he saw Cecilus leave. However before he could gather his thought he felt a hand slip away. Pico walked up to Reinhard, tugging on his outfit.

Reinhard: Do you need something little one?

Pico pointed in a direction.

Pico: Ceci go tha way.

Reinhard: I see thank you, umm.

Seren: Oh, she's my daughter, her names Pico.

Reinhard: Your daughters quite a helpful girl, thank you very much Pico.

Reinhard smile and gave Pico a pat on the head before turning toward Seren.

Reinhard: Thank you for your help, I must be going now.

Seren: Wait!

Reinhard: Did you need something else?

Seren: Cecilus mentioned that two of my friends we captured by his boss. So do you think I could come too?

Reinhard was silent before replying.

Reinhard: From that explosion I can say your strong, but I can't put your daughter in danger. If you want to come with me, I'll need you to find someone to take care of her.

Seren: I will, find Rem, I swear it. Give me a little bit Reinhard, I'll be back soon.

Seren scooped up Pico in his arms as he sped up, running toward the only place he could think to go.


Seren knocked on the door as he heard a voice.

???: Coming!

The door opened to reveal a familiar cat boy.

Felix: Fancy seeing you Seren.

Seren: Hey Felix, I have a favour I need to ask Crusch, does she have a moment?

Felix's once bright and happy face quickly grew sad.

Felix: Well, Miss Crusch isn't in the best shape.

Seren: Huh?! She's not hurt is she!?

Felix: Nyo, nyot like that.

Felix turned and made a gesture for him to follow. They went down a slew of halls before the arrived at Crusch's office. Felix gave a quick knock and entered with Seren and Pico in tow. As they entered the room, Seren saw Crusch look up from a pile of documents.

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