Chapter 15: Battle Against The White Whale

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Super Important Editors Note!: Hello everyone I have something important so say. If you happen to be one of my followers, this message is mostly for you. You might see that I have either posted the same chapter twice, or that I have posted an older chapter again. This is because I often go back through my chapters for look for details and plot elements to continue the story properly. When I do this I sometimes see grammatical errors that I missed in editing. So if you see that in your notifications that's why. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

They arrived at Flugel's tree that night. Crusch had just given a long speech to the soldiers before they departed. They began to set up their artillery for the coming battle. They had brought many powerful cannons that would fire mana at the whale, and hopefully bring it to the ground so they could kill it. Seren and Rem stood on the roots of the mighty tree. Overlooking the preparations.

Seren: This tree is huge!

Rem: Yes, it is said a great magic user named Flugel's planted this tree 400 years ago. Since then it's grown into a mighty plant.

Seren: You right about that! And.. Rem.

Rem: What is it?

Seren: If we die, then I just want to say-

Seren stopped when Rem put a finger on his lips, silencing him.

Rem: Do not worry, no matter how hopeless it seems, as long as you're here, will make it. And, I love you too.

Seren and Rem came together in a large embrace, their heads pressed together, feeling each others warmth. Seren took that moment to give Rem all the love he had. Just in case he-

Wilhelm: Sir Seren, if you don't mind my interruption, I would like to thank you.

Seren: Thank me?

Wilhelm: Yes, the White Whale is responsible from taking my wife from me. And for the last fourteen years, I have thought of nothing but this day. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Seren: Well in that case, you're welcome.


Preparations were complete. Now they just needed to wait for it to appear. They sat on their ground dragons in silence. They waited for what felt like hours, until they heard a loud roar. They  looked up to see a massive beast. It's body was pure white with many fins coming from its sides, and a massive horn coming from its forehead.

Crusch: Soldiers, attack!

The soldiers broke up into their designated units and the ranged fighters began to attack. They sent loads of magic at the beast. It flinched slightly but had no real reaction. Then the artillery fired its magic. Dealing massive damage, but still the whale did nothing. A small group of soldiers loaded something into a cannon, firing it into the sky. Rem and Seren, looking from the tree, saw it all happen.

Rem: They're firing the night finisher, I suggest you close your eyes.

As Seren covered his face a massive amount of light suddenly covered the plains. Seren could feel the change thought his closed eyes. It looked no different from a sunny day.

Seren: Geez that's pretty affective.

Whilhelm rode up to the whale on his ground dragon. He leaped off into the air landing on its back making a deep cut into it as he did so. Whilhelm began hacking away at the whale with his swords. The whale tried its best to knock him off but Wilhelm was just too skilled.

Seren: Wow! He's really getting it!

The whale finally shook him off, Wilhelm simply landed on his ground dragon as it was ready to catch him.

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