Chapter 5:Cursed

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Seren could tell in his heart that something was wrong. On the surface everything seemed fine with nothing really different to mention. But Seren just knew something was up.

Seren: IO. 

Seren whispered, calling for his companion.

IO: Something wrong?

Seren: I'm not sure but something feels... off.

IO: I'm not sure what you mean but if you think something bad's gonna happen I suggest we try to find out what it is. How do you feel?

Seren: A little drowsy from just waking up, other then that- GEEZ it's freezing in here!

IO: Freezing? It's not cold.  Maybe somethings happening to your body, I'll do a quick scan of you just to make sure.

IO muttered a few word causing a small beam of light to head toward Seren. I slowly started to spread out before covering his whole body. Seren could feel the energy all over him, it was slightly warm and seemed to be searching every inch of him. After a few minutes the light retreated back into IO.

IO: This isn't good

Seren: What's wrong?

IO: It seems you've been cursed.

Seren: Cursed?!?!

IO: Yes if you are cursed then your mana will start to drain soon after the curse was planted, and once you run out of mana you will die.

Seren: But you can remove it before that happens right?

IO: I cannot, I don't have the ability to remove curses, so we better find someone who can, and quick. Or you will be dead by morning.

Seren: Do you know anyone who can!?

IO: I know many people who can remove curses, but none of them are close enough for us to get there by the end of the night. I think there might be someone in the mansion who can though.

Seren: Really who?

Time Skip

IO: This is the door.

Seren put his hand on the doorknob, as he touched it he could feel a familiar aura coming from the other side, he opened the door to reveal the forbidden library. Beatrice was sitting in her usual place on a stool reading a book.

Beatrice: What are you doing here at this hour I suppose?

Seren: Good evening Beatrice, I could really use your help with something.

Beatrice: What do you want I suppose?

Seren: I think I've been cursed so I need you to check for curses and remove them.

Beatrice sat up and started to walk toward Seren. She was  clearly irritated, Seren wasn't sure what to do so he stood still, waiting to see what she would do, when she suddenly stopped in front of him.

Beatrice: That's ridiculous how could  someone like you- ! Wait a minute you really have been cursed I suppose!

Seren: Yeah. So do you mind removing it?

Beatrice: And why should I go through the trouble of saving your life I suppose?

Seren: C'mon Beatrice. Do this for your brother.

Beatrice: Eh?!?!!?


Seren was lying in the grass after a long training section, he thought back to his fist meeting with the guardian of the library. Her aura and scent seemed so familiar, like he had seen her before.

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