Chapter 31: Darkness On The Horizon

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Vera stood on the balcony overlooking the capital, thinking to himself. He had fought the witches child and had come out victorious. He thought a witches child would be tougher having the authority of 7 witches. But he was weak, very weak, so weak that Vera beat him without much trouble.

Vera: I guess he won't be a threat for the time being, how weak I'm disgusted to even be the same race as him I'll kill him when the time comes. For now I just need to keep her trust.

Vera was in a very similar circumstance to Seren. He was also staying with a royal candidate. Vera had been doing as he pleased for a while but eventually the money began to run short. He couldn't steal more or else he would be a wanted man, and he really needed to be able to go where he pleased. So Vera used his interesting position to manipulate one of the candidates.


Vera walked until he was approaching the Barriel mansion, as he passed by he faked having some kind of heart attack or stroke as he passed by the gate.

Al: Are you alright brother?!

Vera: I.....need help! I need to drink appa juice every day to stay alive, but I haven't been able to buy any yet today.

Al: Appa juice?

Vera: It's a gate related thing.

It was a simple but effective lie. Gates were all different depending on the person, the idea that he need to drink apple juice sounded far fetched at first, however Vera could lie in better detail about how he needed a high intake of appa due to the vitamins in it or something similar. Appa juice was also something simple that a rich household would have.

Al: Then come in I'll get you some brother.

Al led Vera inside to the kitchen where he gave him a glass of Appa juice. Vera drank it quickly acting as if he felt much better.

Vera: That's much better, thank you sir.

Al: Of course.

As they were talking a servant came and whispered something to Al.

Al: I see. Well brother you better come with me, the Princess wants to see ya.

Vera: Of course.

This was the next part of Vera's plan. He knew that Priscilla Barriel was a woman who craved useful pawns. She would clearly want to see the one who used up a resource of hers. When she asked Vera what he could do he would show her true power.  Al led Vera to the same throne room that Seren had been in only a week earlier. Priscilla sat on her throne an amused expression on her face.

Priscilla: So your the one who has greedily used up my precious Appa juice.

Vera: Yes, Appa juice contains certain vitamins and nutrients that I need for my gate to not collapse. I thank you for saving my life and I am in your debt.

Priscilla: Well I should slay you where you stand for wasting my resources so give me a reason why I should let you live you worthless peasant.

Vera: I have many ability's that are quite powerful and useful.

Priscilla: Very well you have me intrigued, show me.

Vera nodded and took a step the his left, as he walked afterimages began to appear behind him until it was impossible to tell which was the original. As they walked one of them spoke.

Vera: This is my assassin step, once I'm like this there's no way to tell which is the real me by looks alone.

Priscilla: You have just spoken, revealing yourself.

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