Chapter 24: Together

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Roswaal: Come in.

Seren entered the room, Roswaal still had a few bandages on him but he was looking a lot better then before, he was at least back in his regular attire.

Seren: Alright Roswaal, let's talk.

Seren said, closing the door and sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

Roswaal: And what did you want to speeeeeeeeeeak to me about?

Seren: Roswaal. Why are you doing this?

Roswaal: Oh? This is a surprise, what do you believe I am up to?

Seren: Cut the crap Roswaal! I know what your up to! Your trying to push us into a corner!

Roswaal: And what makes you beliiiiiiiiiiiive such a thing?

???: Because of me.

Roswaal turned his head to the sound of the voice, IO could be seen appearing from behind a curtain. Roswaal said nothing but his face showed the slightest hint of surprise.


Seen had just met the residents of the sanctuary and was on his way to watch Emilia's trial when IO stopped him for a moment.

IO: Seren wait, I need to talk to you about something.

Seren: Alright what is it?

IO: I'm not liking Roswaal right now, he's acting strangely suspicious.

Seren: What do you mean?

IO: Don't you find it weird. He knew about the barrier, yet he still propose we send Emilia and the others here, even though he was fully aware they wouldn't be able to leave?

Seren: Now that I think about it that is really weird.

IO: I'm starting to think that he's up to something.

Seren: Well what do you plan to do?

IO: I have an idea that might work. But I'll need your help.


IO: After that ?the events with Emilia's trial happened. After the trial, Seren explained the plan to Rem and handed her my necklace. Then when she came in to serve you your breakfast, she slid my necklace under your bed.

IO said as Seren reached under the bed, pulling out IO's necklace and putting it back around his neck.

IO: After that I simply watched you for a few days and found out what that book has told you to do.

Seren: Book?

Roswaal reached behind one of his pillows and pulled out a large black book.

IO: That is a book known as the tome of wisdom, in its pages are a prediction of the future. Clearly Roswaal plans to make its prediction come true. If he follows its orders to the letter then he has already hired assassins to kill everyone at the mansion. He will soon make it snow in the sanctuary, causing the great rabbit, one of the three great mabeasts to appear, killing everyone.

Seren: Roswaal you bastard! Call off those assassins!

Roswaal: Now that you have figured it out. I will be doing nooooooooooo such thing. I will harden your resolve, Seren.

Seren: Huh?

Roswaal: You clearly a have some kind of powerful ability. Based on what I've heard soooooooooooooo far you can grab things with invisible hands, control mabeasts, and even summon shadows and freeze time. You are a powerful assets. But you are far too soft, your too sentimental, so I will give you a choice.

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