Chapter 10: The Heart Of Envy

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Felt slowly walked up to Reinhard.

Reinhard: Miss Felt, thank you for gracing us with your presence.

Felt: Reinhard...

Felt suddenly launched a powerful kick, aiming for Reinhard's head. He caught it with his hand before it reached his face.

Felt: You bastard! You dragged me here with no explanation.

Reinhard: You surprise me. What bright on such behaviour.

Felt: Don't block my kick and ask me like nothing happened! I've had about all I can take!

Reinhard let go of Felts leg. She simply pouted glaring at the master swordsman.

Reinhard: Does the dress not suit your taste? It looks lovely on you.

Felt: I'm not talking about the dress!

Emilia looked at Felt. She felt like she'd seen her before but she couldn't quite put her finger on it when.

Emilia: !

Recognition showed in Emilia's eyes.

Emilia: That's the girl from-

Seren: I guess even in a dress, Felt is still Felt.

Felt heared Seren's comment and turned to face him.

Felt: What the heck are you doing here!?!?

Seren: Hey it's been a while.

Felt: Looks like those injuries aren't  bothering you anymore.

Marcos: Miss Felt, if you are finished rekindling old friendships, then please step over here.

Marcos indicated a spot in line with the rest of the royal candadits. Felt complied and turned to Reinhard.

Felt: So what is it you want me to do?

Reinhard: Well I want you to be more ladylike, but this comes first.

Reinhard took a familiar looking insignia out of his pocket and placed it in Felts hand. It immediately began to glow brightly.

Reinhard: As you can see the dragon gem recognizes miss Felt as a priestess. With that proven I believe it is time to begin the royal selection.

Nobel: Even if the dragon stone does recognize her. Isn't her selection a bit problematic?

Marcos: Are you saying that you believe we, the royal knights made a mistake?

The knights quickly turned simultaneously to face the Nobels. The two sides stood in silence, glaring at each other.

Seren: Geez, things are getting really heated.

Al: Yeah but it doesn't bother me.

Felix: It's nyo big deal to me either. I've already pledged my loyalty to one women.

Julius: I feel the same. I've already pledged my sword to miss Anastasia.

Seren: Well I'm not gonna give up on Emilia either!

Nobel: She doesn't have any self awareness to become a ruler. You can dress her up, but you can't give her grace. She's uneducated as well.

Marcos: Silence! Knight Reinhard, could you explain what led to her discovery.

Reinhard: Very well. I found miss Felt while investigating a report about trouble in the capital slums.

Nobel: She's a gutter rat from the slums!?!?

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