Chapter 14:The Deal

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Seren had been healing in the capital for 5 days now, and things were starting to improve. He was feeling more and more energized. Felix said it was due to his gate healing. Seren was currently at the end of a long healing section. He still hated Felix's treatment, it made him feel violated. He still put up with it because he knew it was important, if his gate were to fail when he needed it most then he would be in real trouble, so he was still grateful to Felix, even if the healing process felt horrible.

Felix: And we're done for nyow.

Seren: Thank goodness!

Seren thanked Felix for his treatment and left the room feeling better then ever. He headed out of the mansion into the garden. Sitting on the grass waiting for him was the cutest girl in the whole world. After they had confessed their feelings, Seren and Rem had grown very close. They relaxed together outside everyday after Seren's treatment was done. Before he approached Seren looked at Rem. He loved what he saw. Her blue eyes seemingly glowed with passion and kindness, the way her hair covered her right eye showed her shy nature, her lips were so soft and the voice that came from them was a beautiful yet quiet voice fill of emotion. Seren truly loved her.

Rem: What's wrong? Is there something on my face?

Seren realized that he had been staring at her for a long time, and she had noticed him there.

Seren: No no of course not. Hey Rem.

Rem: Hello Seren.

Seren sat down on the grass next to her. Holding her hand. Rem felt the same about Seren. She loved his passion for helping his friends, his handsome face and his determination to stand tall when everyone around him called him a failure. Rem leaned on Seren's shoulder, still holding his hand. Enjoying his company.

Rem: How was your treatment?

Seren: Well you know Felix. Always prying around in my gate, it's a terrible feeling.

Rem: If you want, I could stay with you while you're having your treatment. If it helps with your pains.

Seren: That would be nice, but I think I like it more when I come out after a long difficult day of treatment. To the sight of a beautiful girl waiting for me.

Seren and Rem turned to face each other. They stared into each others eyes. All they could see in the others eyes was love. They felt even more love then usual and their faces slowly came closer, until their lips were intertwined in a kiss. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each others warmth. Even thought Seren had kissed Rem many times since his confession. Her lips were still just as amazing as the first time. Seren usually carried a ton of weight and pain on his shoulders. But when he was with Rem, he felt it all go away. Rem was the light of his life and he swore that he would never lose her.

Seren: I never want this moment to end.

Rem: Don't worry Seren. I'm sure there will be many moments just like this one. After all, you're my love for life. As long as you love me, I won't go anywhere.

Seren began to tear up at that and kissed her again. She was right, he was her soulmate. They were meant to be.

Wilhelm: You two really care for each other.

Seren: Wilhelm!? How long have you been standing there!?

Wilhelm: I apologize for my rudeness but I couldn't help but notice the feelings the two of you share.

Seren: Yeah? You had a wife right? Did you feel the same love I feel for Rem?

Wilhelm: My wife? Yes. I loved my wife will all my heart, and I can see in your eyes that you feel the same for this young woman here.

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