Chapter 29;

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"Okay, so hi— uh... hi. Please sit down in-front of me." I said as I felt this feeling in my heart that... I wasn't able to feel for maybe years. I'm not sure. He looks so familiar...

Sungchan? He looks exactly like him.

"Yes, hi Ms. Yoon. Shall I introduce myself?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, so my name is Jung Sungchan. I'm 21 years old, and I've actually researched a lot about you. From what I've learned, we're the same age and we have the same birthday." He said enthusiastically. "Oh, that's interesting. Happy birthday then... so anyway... so what are the things you can do that are appropriate for this job?" I asked. "Actually, I can cook, clean, drive, wash laundry just incase that's needed, I can run really fast too. Also, I've read something in social media about you having schizophrenia before, and now you kinda overcame it... and I can be a good motivator. I can be your secretary when you need one, and I can be your friend when you need one. That's something I thought you might need because I'm very lonely most of the time and I can't imagine being stuck in a hospital room for almost five years. I admire you for your strong personality and I actually want to learn from you too." He said. "Okay... so thank you for that... uh, I appreciate your answer and uh yeah. I will go out in a moment since I have to make a decision, so please wait outside. Thank you again Mr. Jung." I said as he walked out of my office with a smile and sat next to the others.

His name was Jung Sungchan, and that's the same name as my hallucination. His face was exactly the same as Sungchan's... is this a coincedence? Maybe I saw them before? I don't know anymore.

I went out of my office and I went in-front of everyone since they were all in a meeting room. "Okay, so hm... Mr. Jung, please follow me to my office." I said in-front of everyone as Sungchan followed behind me. "Okay, so you got the job. Your desk will be right there... and uh my old secretary actually worked outside, but it was pretty hard to call her so I got the new table for my new secretary inside my office. Is that alright with you? I can ask some workers to move your table anyway. Oh, and also even if we're working... never call me Ms. Yoon. We're the same age so please call me Dan-hee. My old secretary is actually younger so she calls me eonni. But anyway... when would you like to start? I can ask Jae-shin to give you a tour around the company if you want. Or, I can personally give you tour. Pick now Mr. Jung." I said. "Uh, Dan-hee... you can just call me Sungchan since like you said... we're the same age. And... I would be fine with either of you two showing me around the company, but it looks like Jae-shin is busy telling the other applicants to go out." Sungchan said and pointed outside. She is busy. "Okay, I'll show you around then." I said and gave him a tour in the building.

In just a short span of time, I actually got closer to Sungchan because he was a very friendly and talkative. "Okay, so when do you wanna start?" I ask him. "Oh, uh... it's all up to you. I don't mind when." He said with his cute smile. I missed that, but what am I even thinking... he's not that Sungchan. The Sungchan I loved was a hallucination. Stop. I was trained in the mental hospital to be able to differentiate reality and hallucinations and I am 100% sure that he is not a hallucination. "Okay, how about tomorrow? Jae-shin actually wanted to not work starting tomorrow since they have a lot to prepare for the wedding." I said and he nodded. "So, what time should I be here?" He asks. "Maybe around 8? That's the same time I go here too. Anyway, if you want to arrange your table today, you can do it now. If you ever need anything, tell me. If you have questions, tell me too." I said. "Thank you Dan-hee. I feel so comfortable and welcomed already." He said. "Oh, no need to thank me. Actually, you have a great personality so it's not hard for people to be very nice around you. Anyway, I have paperworks to review and contracts to sign... let's go to my office and I'll be over at my desk and you can fix yours." I said. "Okay, let's go." He said as we both went to my office.

HALLUCINATION | JUNG SUNGCHANNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ