Chapter 45;

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"Auntie Dan-hee, my stomach really hurts... are we almost there?" Hae-rin asks. "Yes we are. Just wait for a while okay? Love, should we call over a doctor?" I said as I turned to Sungchan. "Let's call a doctor if it gets worse." Sungchan said. "Okay... just drop us off at the front door and then park the car after. I'll get her inside and take care of her." I said and he nodded.

Once we got out of the car, I rushed inside the house and Jaemin helped me since he's good with children. A good thing was, I had some knowledge in medicine so I might be able to help her right away. If not, then we're gonna have to call a doctor. "Hae-rin, can you tell me where it hurts?" I asked her as we laid her down on her bed. "Jaem, can you turn the a/c on?" I said and he nodded.

After he did that, he proceeded to take Hae-rin's shoes off and her socks. "Where does it hurt?" I ask Hae-rin. She pointed at the middle part of her stomach. This might be indigestion. "Hae-rin, do you feel... something burning in your upper belly?" I ask and she nodded. "Auntie Dan-hee... b-bathroom..." She said as I quickly helped her stand up. We rushed to her bathroom and she went straight for the toilet an vomited. I held her hair as Jaemin watched worriedly.

Once she was done, I washed her and laid her on the bed again. "Auntie Dan-hee, I feel sick to my stomach..." She weakly stated. "It's okay, you're going to be alright." I said.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing Sungchan and the rest of the boys. "She might have indigestion. Get her some gatorade for now and maybe call in a doctor since we're not really sure if it really is only indigestion. Text eonni, but tell her that we called a doctor already and that Hae-rin will be fine." I said and he nodded. Sungchan did as I said and I watched over Hae-rin. I made her drink gatorade and she took a nap until the doctor came. The doctor went in to check in on her and she did have indigestion. The doctor assured us that Hae-rin was going to be fine and we even called eonni. She thanked us and didn't worry anymore. Hae-rin rested as I stayed beside her, watching on my phone. Sungchan wanted to stay too, but I told him to hang out with the boys. He got nervous when I said that, but I really insisted.

After 2 more hours, Hae-rin is still asleep and her parents came back home.

"Hey guys... thank you so much for taking care of her. You guys would be great parents in the future." Eonni said. "Well, looks like the future is going to happen a little sooner than you think..." Sungchan said and I looked at him confused. "Dan-hee! Are you pregnant?!" Eonni asked and I immediately shook my head. "No... there's no way I am." I said. "Oh, then what do you mean Sungchan?" Eonni asked. "I'll explain later at dinner." He said. "Guys! It's time to eat!!" Mother shouted from downstairs. We all went down and sat to eat.

"So Sungchan, mind explaining your statement earlier?" Eonni said after telling everyone what happened. "Oh, well... I want Dan-hee to close her eyes first. Close your eyes, love." He said and I obeyed.

"Okay, you can open them now." He said as I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around and saw him kneeling with a ring beside me. "Will you... marry me..?" He said nervously. "There's no way I would—" "Oh... okay... I'm sorry—" "Why are you saying sorry? You didn't let me finish. There's no way I would say no..." I said with a chuckle. "Oh... I'm sorry... I should've let you finish... hehe... I was just so nervous." He said. "Aww, it's okay, love. Come here..." I said as I opened my arms and hugged him. Out of nowhere, he placed a peck on my lips. We both giggled... and everyone fake coughed. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but... uh... finish your food first maybe?" They said and we all laughed. "Kiss later, eat now first." Jaehyun oppa said and we all laughed. We sat back down and finished eating.

Once we were done eating and getting ready for bed, I laid on my bed and recalled what just happened earlier. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" I asked. "It's me, love." Sungchan said and I let him him. "I wanna sleep beside and you and cuddle." He said as I chuckled. "Okay, come here you big baby." I said and opened my arms.

"Hey, love?" He suddenly said. I hummed in response. "I love you so much..." He said with a soft smile. "I love you too..." I said and we both leaned in.

HALLUCINATION | JUNG SUNGCHANWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu