Chapter 5;

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"What did we just see?" Renjun hyung asked. "Please don't—"

"ARE YOU GUYS DATING?" They all asked except for Chenle. I looked at Dan-hee to prank them. We looked at each other nervously, but then bursted out laughing. Well, I only heard my laugh. "We're not. I convinced Dan-hee to do that to annoy Ji-yeon." I said. "Wait, so that was planned? When? You guys just looked at each other earlier." Jeno hyung said. "They already told you that they can understand each other just by looking at each other's eyes." Chenle said. "Oh... right. That was a great plan. We all fell for your prank." Jisung said. "I really got fooled. I really thought that you two are dating." Shotaro said. "Yeah and this is the second time that they had to fool people. Earlier this morning, these two went to school together holding hands. Turns out, a waitress was trying to get Dan-hee's number which is why they had to pretend." Chenle said. "Wait waitress? You two ate together or something?" Jeno hyung said. "Uh, yeah. She went to school early today and we were both hungry so we ate at the café nearby." I said. "How about later? Like after we help decorate the school, we can have a little celebration and eat somewhere? What do you guys say? My treat." Chenle said. "OF COURSE!!" We all said except for Dan-hee.

Lunch was done, and I thought of something... what about replacing Ji-yeon? "CHENLE! I thought of something... what about we tell the principal about Ji-yeon. She never does anything and what if we have her replaced?" I suggested. "That could work. We just need a lot of us, but that won't be a problem." Chenle said.

A few minutes after the class was over, we all went to the principal o have Ji-yeon replaced. The principal agreed, but his replacement... it was Dan-hee's older sister. She's now the auditor, and I must say... that her job is literally nothing. She just needs to cooperate. Dan-hee's sister's name is Yoo-joung. I know that it doesn't sound like they'e sisters, but they gave her that name. Yoo-joung is quite pretty, but Dan-hee looks better... in my opinion at least.

Dan-hee's P.O.V:
I'm gonna be dead. My sister is always annoyed by me, and my mom is going to be mad at me later. She's going to ask why I'm the secretary and my sister is just the auditor. Also, when she was introduced to us earlier, she was very close with Sungchan.

You're uncomfortable aren't you? I said as I tried to make him understand.

Heck yeah I am! Somebody get her hand off of my arm!!

I can't do that... my mom will ask why and stuff blah blah blah.


Just try to say it nicely I guess.


"Excuse me Yoo-joung... can you please get yor hand off of my arm?" Sungchan said. "Why?" Yoo-joung asked. "Because I'm not comfortable with it." Sungchan said. "Oh come on. It's because I like you." She said... all of our jaws dropped. She's a senior like what the heck?! "I'm sorry, but you should let go of me. I already like someone else." Sungchan said as he removed her hand from his arm. "Well seems like you're not dating anyone anyway... just give me a chance." She said. She looked at me with a big smirk. What is going on inside her head? Sungchan noticed that because our gazes locked. "I am very sorry, but I'm really just not that comfortable with you." Sungchan said as he stood up from his seat and sat beside me. "Tsk, and you decide to sit with her? You're never gonna be comfortable with her 'cause she's not able to talk now? How is she going to even communicate? Psh, even when she had a loud voice... no one listened to her!" She said with a smirk. "It's your responsibility as her family to listen to her too!!" Sungchan bursted. I can tell that my sister felt quite guilty. "She always contradicted mom and whenever she does that, it gets me involved! Is it my fault that she doesn't have respect?" She said. "Everybody makes mistakes, she's not a robot. She has feelings too. She contradicted your mom because she wanted her to know what really happened, but your mom never gave her a chance to speak. You were there, you're in the same school... you know what really happened, but you got annoyed at her instead of comforting her. You never listened to her. Are your ears only for display?" Sungchan said. Dang, this guy is on fire!! I looked at Chenle and signalled him to stop them. Chenle sighed and got up. "Stop it you guys. Yoo-joung, please stop. You're like a Ji-yeon number2 so, please stop. I'm warning you. Even if you're older than the rest of us, that doesn't mean that we can't speak up to your actions. You made him uncomfortable, the least you could do, was to give him some space. Don't act like a child when you're the oldest here." Chenle said. Wah~ as expected, Chenle is secretly savage.

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