Chapter 44;

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After 4 months...

"Hey love, do you know a guys named 'Jun-oh'?" I asked Sungchan. "Yeah, he was the waiter in that one restaurant. Why?" He said. "Oh, he sent me a dm in instagram." I said and he looked mad. "Why? Is there something wrong with him?" I asked. "Do you really not remember him? We weren't together during that time but we pretended to be in a relationship because he gave you his number and you didn't like it." He said all in one breath. "Oh, I remember now. Also, was is necessary to say it all in one breath? At this point you should be a rapper, babe." I said with a chuckle and he smiled.

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Sungchan said and the door opened. "Hey guys, uh... can you take care of Hae-rin for today? I know it's your day off, but uh... Jaehyun has been wanting to go out on a date for a while." Eonni said. "Oh, it's not a problem, eonni. We'll take care of her. But, are we allowed to go out with her...?" I asked. "Of course! Just stay safe, okay?" She said and we nodded. "You guys too. And have fun on your date!" Sungchan said and eonni nodded with a chuckle. "Yeah yeah, I'll go get ready to go out. I'll leave Hae-rin to you guys." Eonni said before walking out of the door.

A few moments later...

"Auntie Dan-hee and Uncle Sungchan! Do you guys wanna go eat outide?" Hae-rin said out of nowhere. "Sure, do you wanna go to the arcade too?" Sungchan asked. "YES!" Hae-rin exclaimed with excitement as we both chuckled. "Okay, let's get you ready. Love, go and get dressed while I help Hae-rin get ready." I said and he nodded. We went to Hae-rin's room and picked out some clothes for her to wear.

Once she was done getting ready, I brought her to my room and made her sit down on the bed. "Hae-rin, wait for me here okay? Uncle Sungchan should be done preparing any minute." I said and she nodded. I went to my closet to pick some clothes, then went into the bathroom to freshen up.

I was done in only a few minutes and when I got out, I saw Sungchan and Hae-rin watching some cartoons on the tv. "Okay, you guys ready?" I ask. "Yup!" Hae-rin said and we all went outside.

We went to the mall, and Sungchan drove.

"So... where do you wanna go first?" Sungchan asked Hae-rin. "I wanna go eat. I wanna eat at... Burger King!" Hae-rin exclaimed as we chuckled. "Okay, let's go to Burger King." I said. We went up the escalator and once we saw Burger King, we went inside.

"Love, what do you wanna eat? I'll order." Sungchan said as we sat down on a table. "I'll just get the 4-cheese whopper jr. Do you need money to pay?" I said. "No need... I brought my wallet." He said and winked. "So, Hae-rin, the usual?" Sungchan asked and Hae-rin nodded. "Okay, I'll just order and I'll be back." Sungchan said and walked away.

As Sungchan was ordering, Hae-rin tapped my shoulder. "Auntie Dan-hee, aren't those your friends?" She asked and pointed somewhere. I looked at the direction of where her finger was pointing, and saw my friends. They walked up to us and talked. "Love, here's the food— oh! Hi guys!" Sungchan said as he saw our friends. "We're just here getting some food. We're just hanging out. What about you guys? And who's this cute child?" Shotaro said. "Oh, this is Hae-rin. She's my brother's daughter." Sungchan said. "Oh, okay. Hi, Hae-rin!." They all said. "Hi, Uncles!" Hae-rin said. "Do you guys wanna join us?" Sungchan suggested and they all nodded. We sat in a big table and chatted a lot. Hae-rin ended up sitting on Haechan's lap, but Haechan wasn't sitting far away. I made sure that I could still see her.

Soon later, I was throwing some trash when a lady step on my foot. "Ow!" I accidentally exclaimed. Sungchan came rushing towards me, asking me if I'm okay. "I'm okay, love." I said and he nodded. He then went towards the gal and tapped her shoulder. "Hi, excuse me, Ms. You accidentally stepped on her foot... you should apologize. "Excuse me? Apologize? It's not like I wanted to step on her foot!" The lady said. "I know it was an accident, but you still hurt her foot which is why you need to apologize." Sungchan said. "Hell no! You know what? I might consider apologizing to her if you beg on your knees." The woman said. I went up to Sungchan and looked at him in the eyes.

Don't do it. If she doesn't want to apologize, it's not our problem anymore.


"No, I'm not begging you on my knees just because you don't want to apologize to her. If you don't want to apologize, that's your problem." He said and grabbed my wrist. We walked towards a table and an awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

"So, did you guys know that Chenle is coming back?" Jisung said to break the ice. "He's coming back?! Omg, when?" I asked. "Tomorrow. He should meet Sungchan." Haechan said. "Yeah, I should meet him." Sungchan said. "We'll all go tomorrow. Wait, so what time do we pic him up?" I asked. "Uh...he said his plane lands on 8, so he's gonna be out a few minutes after that." Jisung said. "Wah~ as expected... our Jisung is Chenle's best friend." Jeno said. "Aye~ they're not only best friends... they're practically soulmates!" Jaemin said. "Uncles and Auntie... can we go home please? My tummy hurts." Hae-rin said. "Oh my, come here, baby." I said as I took her from Haechan. "I thought I was your baby." Sungchan said with a pout. "Not now, Sung. Also, you're not my baby. You're my love. Anyway, if you guys still wanna hang out, you can visit our house." I said as I carried Hae-rin and stood up. "Yeah sure, we've never been to your house." They all said. "By the way, where are your girls?" I asked. "Having a girls' day. They wanted to tell you, but when they talked to you, they said you were talking about how tired you were. They wanted to let you rest... we can call them so you don't feel bad." Shotaro said. "Oh, if they're busy then no need. If they wanna come to our house, then they're welcome to do so though." I said. They all nodded and we all went to our house. The girls were in the middle of a massage session.

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