Chapter 22;

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"Hae-rin! Uncle Sungchan missed you!!" Sungchan said as soon as we got home. "Uncle Sungchan, auntie Dan-hee!!" Hae-rin said as she ran to us and hugged us. "Okay that's enough hugging for now. Me and uncle Sungchan have to go take a bath first okay?" I asked and she nodded. Sungchan and I went upstairs to take a bath.

Once I was done, I went downstairs and saw Sungchan and Hae-rin playing. I smiled to myself and walked towards them. "Where's eonni, oppa, mother and father?" I asked. "Oh, noona went out before you came down. Hyung, mother and father are at the company because they needed to prepare some stuff since mother and father are going on a business trip after the winter ball. After that, hyung and noona will probably want to eat dinner together and get some alone time. Oh by the way, we're both hungry. Should I order food?" Sungchan said. "Yeah sure... what do you guys want to eat?" I asked. "I want chicken!!!" Hae-rin yelled with pleading eyes. "Okay, chicken it is!! Sungchan go order for now and then, I will be playing with Hae-rin alone in the mean time. Right, Hae-rin?" I asked as I carried Hae-rin. "Yes!!" She said as we chuckled at her cuteness. Sungchan went to order and get his wallet to pay for the food when it arrives, while me and Hae-rin were playing and watching some cartoons.

After a minute or more, Sungchan came back and played with Hae-rin. "Uncle Sungchan and auntie Dan-hee... are you guys just friends? You guys kinda act like mommy and daddy." Hae-rin said while both me and Sungchan were flustered. "We're just friends Hae-rin... or at least at the moment. We never know what's going to happen in the future, so it's better to not assume anything." Sungchan said as I blushed. "Okay then!" Hae-rin said and smiled.

In just a few minutes, the doorbell rang. It's the food. Sungchan and I got up, walked towards the door and paid for the food.

Once that whole thing was done, we put the food ont he dinning table to eat. We put Hae-rin on her seat, then ate together.

"Hae-rin, did you eat well?" I asked. "Yes! I ate very well auntie Dan-hee!" She said while smiling. "Okay, go sit down on the couch for now while me and uncle Sungchan fix the dining table okay?" I said and she nodded. I walked to the dining area to help Sungchan clean the mess. "Go to Hae-rin and play with her... I can do this." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes... go and play with her now." He saod as I chuckled and nodded. I walked towards Hae-rin to play with her.

"Auntie Dan-hee, look! I wrote your full name!! Yoon Dan-hee!" She said cheerfully. "Wow! That's amazing Hae-rin!!!" I said as I pat her head. "Auntie Dan-hee, if I'm being honest... Jung Dan-hee suits you too. Too bad you can't change your surname forever even if you get married to Uncle Sungchan." Hae-rin said, as I almost chocked on my saliva. "Are you okay?" Sungchan said as he rushed to us and tapped my back. "Yeah... I was just shocked at what Hae-rin said." I said. "What did you say Hae-rin?" Sungchan asked her. "Oh, I just said that I wrote her fullname. I also said that the name Jung Dan-hee suits her too... too bad that she can't change her surname even if you two get married." Hae-rin said, not noticing the awkward atmosphere. "O-oh... I see. Are you okay now Dan-hee?" He asked me and I nodded. "By the way... Hae-rin, why do you keep on saying something about me and your uncle Sungchan being together?" I asked. "I want it to happen. You two look so cute together and even though I'm very young, I agree on what mommy and daddy say about you two. If uncle Sungchan has a girlfriend and it's not you, then I don't like her." She said while Sungchan and I just sat there, shocked of what Hae-rin just said. Suddenly, we heard the main gate open. They're home.

"Hey guys! Have you guys eaten dinner yet?" Mother asked. "Yes mother. We ordered chicken earlier since Hae-rin said that she wanted to eat chicken." I said. "That's good then. We're going to freshen up for now... you three can continue playing for now." Eonni said as we nodded. "What do you wanna play Hae-rin?" Sungchan asked. "I want to watch cartoons." Hae-rin said as I took the remote and switched the channel for her to watch some cartoons. "Dan-hee~" Sungchan said. "Yeah? Anything wrong?" I asked. "No... I just want cuddles please?" He said with puppy dog eyes. "Okay." I said as we both sat at the corner of the sofa and cuddled. Hae-rin noticed and joined us. She was sitting on Sungchan's lap, while Sungchan laid his shoulder and I leaned my head towards his.

"So, how was practice?" Eonni asked us, while Hae-rin went to her mom already, so me and Sungchan are still cuddling. "It' was fine. We have a new choreographer. He's Dan-hee's cousin." Sungchan said. "That's great news then right?" Eonni said as we nodded. "How are your academics?" Mother asked from the kitchen since she wanted to get a glass of water. "We're doinig fine in terms of academics as well." Sungchan said. "That's good then." Mother said as she sat down on the sofa next to eonni and Hae-rin. "What is everyone talking about?" Father said as him and Jaehyun oppa walked towards us and sat on the couch. "We're just talking about school related stuff." Mother said. "Oh! And I heard about the incident earlier. You guys are left with no choice... I'm sorry for dragging you into this Dan-hee. But you only have to pretend at school... you guys don't have to act like a couple at home." Mother continued. "Yes mother, and it's alright... it's not causing me inconvenience, so it's alright... no need to apologize because of what happened." I said. "So, I have a question... mom said that you guys don't have to act here at home... why are you guys still in that position?" Jaehyun oppa said. "But we're not pretending... if this makes you uncomfortable, then we'll sit straight." Sungchan said. "Uh... you know what nevermind... it's alright." Jaehyunn oppa said. "They're really like that... you guys should get used to it. You know I kinda wish that Sungchan would just date you Dan-hee." Father said as I choked on my saliva for the second time today. "Grandpa!! I said that too earlier, and auntie Dan-hee had the same reaction!" Hae-rin said cheerfully. "Jaehyun, Hae-jin... you guys are raising Hae-rin well. But anyway, how could you say that, Hae-rin?" Father said. "Auntie Dan-hee and uncle Sungchan kinda act like mommy and daddy, except that they don't kiss and stuff. Mommy and daddy even talk about them every night... they keep on saying that they're so cute together." Hae-rin said. "Hate to be exposed." Jaehyun oppa said as we all laughed. "Oh! I just remembered... you guys are going to the winter ball together right?" Eonni asked. "Yes..." I said. "Why did you go with Sungchan though?" Eonni asked. "Well, he asked me to and I'm very comfortable with him so I decided to just go with him. Even though I have a lot of friends that are boys, some of them have girlfriends so I had to distance myself from them to avoid issues. Some of them are gay and of course they would go with their boyfriends... and majority of my friends are single, but I don't know them. Some of them did ask me to go with them through text, but I had to decline." I said. "Why though?" Jaehyun oppa asked. "First because I'm already going with Sungchan. Second, I'm more comfortable with Sungchan. And lastly, some of them also confessed to me while asking me out to be their date for the winter ball and I tried to reject them in the nicest way I can. I kinda feel guilty." I said as I looked down and played with my fingers. I stopped cuddling with Sungchan and sat up straight as he copied my actions. "It's not your fault that you're not really interested in them. Plus, it would have been suspicious if you two didn't go together since you guys just said that you are dating." Mother said. "Yeah, come on Dan-hee... it's alright. You don't have to be guilty." Sungchan said as he hugged me to comfort me. "Thanks." I said as I hugged him back. "So mom and dad, what did you do all day?" Sungchan asked as we broke the hug. "We slept the whole day. We didn't have things to do earlier, but during the afternoon... Jaehyun called us and told us that we were needed in a meeting." Mother said. "Oh... okay. By the way, how long is noona, hyung, and Hae-rin staying here?" Sungchan asked. "Oh, yeah... we're staying here for good. Mom and dad just assigned me to work in this city so yeah." Hyung said. "Then I will be able to see Hae-rin everyday???? Yes!!!" Sunghchan said as we all laughed.

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