Chapter 7;

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Dan-hee's P.O.V:
Everyone went around the school to help decorate, while i walked everywhere and took pictures.

After a whole hour of walking, my legs were very very tired. I decided to take a rest of a while on a bench. I saw Sungchan hanging some decorations, so I decided to take a picture. "Oh! Dan-hee, you're taking a rest? How long have you been walking around the school?" Sungchan asked as he ran towards me.

About an hour I think... I'm not sure.

"You've been walking around the school for about an hour?! Are you feet okay?" He asks.

Yeah... they just hurt a little.

"Aigoo... take your shoes off. Don't even try to look at me and ask why, just take your shoes off." He said. I took my shoes off and he kneeled in front of me. He took one of my feet and massaged it. It did feel better, but I just feel like he's doing too much for me. "I'm just massaging your feet because you said that it hurt. Don't even think that this is too much, I know how your mind runs. Just be grateful, 'cause this is the first time I ever touched somebody's foot." He said. He just kept on massaging my foot, not even caring that it might be disgusting. "Dan-hee, Sungchan! What's wrong with her foot?" Renjun asked. "Oh she said it hurts... I'm just massaging it for her for a while." Sungchan said. "Oh okay... Dan-hee, how about I go around the school and take pictures for now while you take a break. You must be tired." Renjun suggested. "Yeah she said that would we great." Sungchan said, but... I didn't say anything. I didn't want someone else to a job that's mine and this is literally the only thing I've done... document. Well, okay maybe I've carried a few boxes here and there, but that's about it. "Okay, should I use your phone or mine?" Renjun asked Sungchan. "Oh, you can use my phone. You can just swipe to the left to open the camera." Sungchan said. "Yep, I got it. Thanks." Renjun said and walked away from us. Sungchan looked at me.

Why'd you let him do my job?

"Because you need to rest. Okay?" He said and started massaging the other foot.

After 15 minutes of sitting down, we both decided to get back to work. Luckily, we found Renjun right away and I took over.

While walking around a taking pictures, someone is calling Sungchan's phone. It's his mother. I ran quickly to find Sungchan, and thankfully he was just chatting with Haechan while carrying some boxes. I ran towards him and tapped his shoulder. Sungchan and Haechan looked at me and I pointed to his phone. He nodded and put the box down. He took his phone and answered it.

"Oh, eomma. Why did you call?" He said.

"Ah, I'm still in school... we need to help decorate the school." Sungchan said.

"Oh you and dad are leaving for a while for a business trip? It's okay, I'm busy with school. It's no problem. Is hyung home? He is? The three of them are? Oh okay. I got it, no need to worry. I have to go now because we have to wrap up... we're almost done. Okay, bye eomma... love you~ you and dad stay safe. Bye."

"Let's go, we're almost done. We're still going to eat right?" Sungchan said as he gave me back his phone and Haechan nodded. I walked away from them and took some more pictures.

Once we were done, we went to a chicken restaurant to eat since Chenle said he'll treat us.

Sungchan's P.O.V:
We reached the restaurant, and I saw a family... they look familiar. They turned around and I know who they are. "Jaehyun hyung? Hae-jin noona?" I asked. "Oh, you're here. We were just buying dinner before going home. Hae-rin, go and hug uncle Sungchan." Jaehyun hyung said as Hae-rin let go of her mom and dad's hands. "Uncle!!!" She said as she ran to me and hugged me. I opened my arms and carried her. "Wah~ you've grown a lot huh? How old are you again?" I asked. "I'm 4 years old!" She said with a wide smile. Hae-rin is Jaehyun hyung's and Hae-jin noona's child. They're married, and yes Jaehyun hyung is my brother. "Oh, by the way, this is Jaehyun hyung, and Hae-jin noona, Jaehyun hyung is my brother and Hae-jin noona is his wife. And... this is Hae-rin! She's their child." I said. "Hi..." Jaehyun hyung and Hae-jin noona said. Hae-rin also said hi and went back to her parents. "These are my friends by the way, and they're also the student council officers. This is Chenle, Renjun hyung, Jaemin hyung, Jeno hyung, Shotaro, Jisung, Haechan hyung, Mark hyung, Yoo-joung, and of course... Dan-hee." I said and pointed to each and every one of them.  "Nice to meet you guys. Well, we'll get going now. Sungchan, I'll see you at home." Jaehyun hyung said and walked further away from us. "Yes!" I said and we walked towards a table. "So am I just going to order chicken? Do you guys want pasta?" Chenle asked and we all just shook our heads. "Okay, how about drinks?" He asked. "I want cola." I said. "I want cider." Jeno said. "Me too." Jaemin said. "I want chocolate milkshake." Jisung said. "I want cola too." Shotaro said. "I'll have cider." Yoo-joung said. "What about you Dan-hee?" Chenle asked and I looked at Dan-hee

I just want water.

But why?

I don't know...

You sure? I don't think you'd want only water.

I can't finish a whole glass of cola anyway.

Then I'll get a large cola then you can just put it another straw.


"Chenle, I want my cola to be large and then can you please get Dan-hee a straw, thank you very much." I said and Chenle nodded. "So, one large cola, 3 ciders, one milkshake, and 2 regular colas." Chenle said as we nodded in agreement and he went to order food.

Once he was done, he came back with our order. He put the food and drinks on the table. We all just ate and chatted.

Once we were all done, we all bid goodbye to each other, but Yoo-joung told Dan-hee not to go home yet. She told us that she'll text Dan-hee when their mom is asleep already. "Dan-hee where are you going for now? You can't be alone at this hour. Oh, how about you Yoo-joung?" Jaemin asks. "Oh me? I'm going home. My driver is at the exit waiting for me. Bye guys. I'll text you Dan-hee." She said and went outside. "Dan-hee can come with me. I want to introduce her to my niece." I said. They all nodded and left. "Let's go." I told Dan-hee and we started walking to my house.

After about 25 minutes, we reached the gates of my house. I pressed the doorbell and the gate opened. I went inside, but then realised that Dan-hee wasn't following me. "What are you doing there?" I asked.

It might get uncomfortable in there. I don't know any of them.

It's alright. Trust me.

With that, she had no choice but to follow me. I opened the main door and went inside. "Hyung!! I'm home. I also brought a friend with me." I said. "Okay! I'll be right down." Jaehyun hyung said.

"Hey wassup— oh... hello. You're Dan-hee, right?" Jaehyun hyung said and Dan-hee nodded. "Oh, hyung she can't talk by the way. Well, she used to, but some things happen and at the moment she can't." I said and hyung nodded. "Oh, hyung where is Hae-rin?" I asked. "She's with Hae-jin. She's having her bath. Speaking of which, aren't you going to change into comfortable clothes?" Jaehyun hyung asked. "Uh, yeah sure. Dan-hee I'll be back in a while... you can speak with Jaehyun hyung for now. Hyung just don't make her feel uncomfortable." I said and they both nodded.

Dan-hee's P.O.V:
"So, what happened to your ability to speak? Well, if you don't want to answer the question it's alright." He said. I tried to open my phone again, and thankfully it did. The screen was cracked and it wasn't able to run some apps such as youtube and instagram, but thankfully the notes worked so typed on my phone and showed it to him.

I somehow lost my voice because of a wish I made.

"Oh okay I see... so how long have you and Sungchan been friends?" He asked and I typed on my phone again.

We've known each other for a while because we're both school council officers, but we became close friends recently.

"I see. I can tell you're a decent person. You look like someone with a lot of confidence... Sungchan has mentioned your name before and he talked about how much of a great speaker you are. Did you perhaps become like this because of your voice?" He asked and I nodded. "Oh, don't worry... everything will eventually fine." He said and I nodded. "Okay! So how has everybody been?" Sungchan asked as he sat between me and his brother. "We've been alright." His brother said. "Okay... Dan-hee do you want water or anything?" Sungchan asks and looks into my eyes clearly trying to get an answer.

Water is alright. It's because you made me drink cola.

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