Chapter 19;

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Dismissal time...

"Sung! Let's go to the dance practice room for the practice." I yelled across the classroom and we walked out together. We changed our clothes and went to the practice room.

"Okay, so you're Sungchan. And of course, I know Dan-hee she's my favourite!" The choreographer said. "Yes." Sungchan said. "I see... okay. So let's start with the choreography. Ms. Park picked the song 'Light a flame' by Seventeen. Okay, so Dan-hee come here and I'll show Sungchan the moves." The choreographer said.

Sungchan's P.O.V:
"I see... okay. So let's start with the choreography. Ms. Park picked the song 'Light a flame' by Seventeen. Okay, so Dan-hee come here and I'll show Sungchan the moves." The choreographer said and I can feel something fishy about him. He likes Dan-hee. I got pretty angry, I don't know why... I just was. As they were dancing, the choreographer was really trying to to touch Dan-hee on very uncomfortable parts. I couldn't watch. I looked at Dan-hee and told her something with my eyes.

Are you okay? You don't look comfortable.

I'm not, but I guess it's for the dance. I just wished he'd stop touching me at some uncomfortable parts.

I'll take a video and do something about it if this gets worse okay?

Yes please. Thank you Sung.

You're welcome.

I got my phone and started to record. "Oh? Why are you recording?" The choreographer said. "Oh, I just wanted to get a video so that I have a copy of the steps. Don't worry, I won't show it to anyone else. It's just for me." I said with an innocent smile and it looks like he believed my lie. I kept on recording and him, being all clueless still didn't stop from touching her on uncomfortable parts. She did try pushing further a little bit, but he didn't budge.

After the song was done, the choreographer finally let go of her. I can see that she was uncomfortable and that she didn't like the choreographer's actions so I opened up my arms for her and hugged her to comfort her a bit. "Aigoo-yah... you did well." I said. "Thank you." She said and hugged me. "It's okay... if this gets worse, I'll report it to Ms. Park." I whispered to her ear. "Okay, thank you." She whispered to me. We broke the hug and saw the choreographer glaring at me. Geez, what did I do? Oh, right he likes Dan-hee. "Okay, let's start." The choreographer said and taught us the moves.

After dance practice...

"Hey Dan-hee want me to drive you home?" The choreographer asked. "Oh, no thank you. I'm walking home with Sungchan." Dan-hee said. "Why walk with him when I have a car?" The choreographer asked with a laugh. "It's because we live in the same house." I said and put my arm around Dan-hee's shoulder, she held my wrist with her hand and slightly leaned her head on my arm. "I see, anyway I hope you guys get home safely. Bye, see you tomorrow." The choreographer said as we bowed to him and left the practice room to go home.

"Hey, want me to send it to Ms. Park now?" I asked. "Don't send it. Don't ever send it." She said and I was shocked. "What do you mean I thought—" "I'll be the one to send it." She said and I smiled. "Well, that's great then. I'll airdrop you the video later." I said and we walked home.

Once we got home, I airdropped the video and she told Ms. Park about the incident earlier. She sent it after dinner and I don't know what Ms. Park said to her. I stood up, walked to her room and knocked on her door. "Come in." She said and I went inside. I walked towards her laid beside her. "Anything you might wanna know?" She asked. "Yeah. What did Ms. Park say?" I asked. "She said that she'll look for another choreographer." She said. "That's good then." I said and hugged her. "You like to go inside my room and cuddle with me on my bed. Why do you like my bed so much?" She asked and I laughed. "It's not the bed that I like here. It's your hugs." I said and she hugged me too. "Well then I'm glad that you like my hugs. 'Cause I like your hugs." Dan-hee said. I giggled. "Okay, so I hate to disrupt your flirting session... but there are some people downstairs... mom and dad want you guys to be there because apparently the family downstairs wants Sungchan to marry their daughter." Jaehyun hyung suddenly said. "Oh, and change into casual clothes. Don't go down wearing that." He said and pointed to our pj's. We got up and changed into casual clothes. We went downstairs and were greeted by a family. "There you both are... we were trying to call you both but you weren't answering." Mom said. "Yeah they were too busy cuddling on Dan-hee's bed that's why." Jaehyun hyung said with a smirk. Oh... I see... he's playing along with what mom wants. "Oh... okay so I'd like you to meet the Hwang family. Oh and to all of you this is Dan-hee, my best friend's daughter and Sungchan's girlfriend." Mom said and we both said hi. I should definitely convince them to leave. I scooted closer to Dan-hee and wrapped my hands around her waist. "Hm?" She asked me knowing there was something happening. "Nothing just play along like always." I whispered to her and she nodded. I took her hand with my free hand and played with it. I can tell that hyung feels weird about it... "I feel sleepy." Dan-hee whispered to me. "It's alright... hey can I kiss your forehead just for more effects, but before that you should yawn." I whispered to her as she nodded and yawned. I chuckled at how cute she was and kissed her forehead. "Oh, are you guys tired? You two can go sleep. You guys had dance practice earlier. Go ahead and sleep. Good night." Dad said as we stood up and said goodbye to the guests.

Once I laid on my bed, hyung texted me.

Hey, what was that peck on the forehead all about?

Hyung relax. I just did that to make it more realistic that we were together. The girl they brought, isn't really my type and I've seen her somewhere. She's bratty. We've pretended to be a couple plenty of times. It just so happens that today, we both wanted to sleep already so we just decided to be flashy to add more effects to it. Just to make it believable.

I see... okay g'night.


I sighed and put my phone down. Was it really just because I was pretending or am I starting to catch feelings for her?

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