Chapter 42;

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"Dan-hee, Sungchan... let's go. We have to go to the meeting room. The finance department will be presenting some updates." Jaehyun oppa said as we nodded and went to the main meeting room. The main meeting room is where we have meetings with the different departments of the company. And then, the board meeting room is where we have a meeting with the members of the board. The main meeting room can fit every single employee, while the board meeting room was only fit for the members of the board, us three. The main meeting room is used for big announcements and presentations for the whole company sometimes. That's why it's really huge.

"Okay, please start now." I said and they nodded. The head of their department started to present.

"Okay, so uh bring the paperwork for that later in our office. That's all, thank you for your hard-work." I said shook hands with them. "Okay, let's go. Actually, I have to attend a meeting. You two can go back to the office, I'll go meet with the venue owner for the upcoming event. Actually, it's for Hae-rin's school so..." Jaehyun oppa said and we both nodded. "It's alright. Go ahead." We said and he went to do whatever he needed to do. "Let's go?" Sungchan asked me and reached his hand out for me to hold it. "Let's go." I said as I held his hand and we went back to our office.

"I think we should have dinner with our friends later... they don't know about us yet." Sungchan said and I nodded. "Okay, I'll text mom and mother to tell them about it." I said and texted them. "Okay, they both said that it's okay." I said and we decided to chat our friends in our group chat.


Sung: Guys...

Jaem: Yeah?

Shotaro: Yow

Jeno: Wassup

Haechan: YOW

Renjun: hi

                    Okay, so uh... do y'all
                    wanna have dinner
                    together? We kinda
                    have something to tell

Haechan: I'm free later

Renjun: Yeah... I am too

Jeno: I am three

Haechan: Ew Jeno don't try to be funny.

Jaemin: Don't fight. I'm free too. I'm pretty sure In-na is free too.

Shotaro: I'm free later.

Jisung: I wouldn't wanna miss out on some tea so I'm in.

Chenle: Same :>

                    Okay, then it's all set.
                    Sung will send u guys
                    the details. I gotta go
                    finish work for now.

"Sung can you please—"

"Yep, I know what I gotta do, love. I'm on it." He said and I nodded.

"Go finish up your work now so that we can leave at 5pm." He said again and I nodded.

"Okay." I said. Suddenly, I heard a knock. "Come in." I said and the door opened. "Ms. Yoon, I'm here to give the new version of the contract... for the building. For the interior deign, I got an update and they said that they are almost done and they will most probably be able to present it to you tomorrow." The employee said as he handed me the contract. "Okay, so uh... since Jaehyun oppa is taking care of private matters as the moment, Sungchan and I will be signing this for now. I'll keep it at my desk for oppa to sign this tomorrow or later—"

"I'm here!" Jaehyun oppa said as he bursted through the door. "Hyung! Are you okay? Why do you look so tired?" Sungchan asked. "Well, it's because there was a gal who wouldn't stop chasing me. I was at the parking lot and then a random woman saw me, approached me and then asked for my number. I tried to push her off in a polite way and she refused. The guards stood there. I asked them what they were doing., and it turns out that she is a friend of yours. She should show up any minute." He said and I looked at Sungchan. "Should I call eonni?" I asked and he shook his head. "I'll call her." He said. "Well, will that be all, Ju-yeon?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay, you can go back now thank you very much." I said and he bowed before he went outside.

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